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Documentation Docs

Survey Creator / Form Builder Overview

Survey Creator / Form Builder is a visual designer that allows users to create surveys and forms. The designer produces a survey configuration in JSON format. This configuration can be later used by the SurveyJS Form Library to display a survey or form in your application.

Survey Creator / Form Builder by SurveyJS

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We also include over 40 demo examples that allow you to edit and copy code.

What's New

Visit our What's New page for information on new features, recent bug fixes, and latest additions. If you want to migrate from the old version of Survey Creator, refer to the Migration Guide.


Survey Creator is not available for free commercial usage. If you want to integrate it into your application, you must purchase a commercial license. However, you can use online Survey Creator to produce JSON survey configurations and use them with SurveyJS in your application free of charge.

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