Make a Quiz

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Survey Creator

SurveyJS allows you to create multi-step quizzes and tests using HTML and JavaScript. Whenever you need a qualitative pop-up quiz for students to test their understanding of the material, an industry-focused quiz to use in work meetings or presentations, or anything in between, set the correctAnswer property to turn your regular survey into a quiz. Compare choices with correctAnswer to calculate scores and use the onComplete event to show scores immediately afterwards or save them to a database. Read more...

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SurveyJS allows you to create multi-step quizzes and tests using HTML and JavaScript. Whenever you need a qualitative pop-up quiz for students to test their understanding of the material, an industry-focused quiz to use in work meetings or presentations, or anything in between, set the correctAnswer property to turn your regular survey into a quiz. Compare choices with correctAnswer to calculate scores and use the onComplete event to show scores immediately afterwards or save them to a database.

You can also customize your quiz to make it more entertaining and interactive by adding introduction and "Thank you" pages, a progress bar, and multiple quiz questions. If you want to pace your respondents and have them complete your quiz within a set time, you can build a quiz with a countdown timer for each individual page or the entire quiz.

For detailed instructions on how to make a quiz with JavaScript, refer to the following help topic: Create a Quiz.

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