Table View for Survey Data

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The SurveyJS Dashboard library can aggregate user responses and present them as charts or display the responses in a table as they are, without any aggregation. This example demonstrates the latter case—a table view with raw survey data. Note that this view not only displays survey results but also allows users to export them as a PDF, CSV, or XLSX document. Read more...

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The SurveyJS Dashboard library can aggregate user responses and present them as charts or display the responses in a table as they are, without any aggregation. This example demonstrates the latter case—a table view with raw survey data. Note that this view not only displays survey results but also allows users to export them as a PDF, CSV, or XLSX document.

For information on how to configure the table view in your application, refer to one of the following tutorials for your framework:

Table View for Survey Results in an Angular Application

Table View for Survey Results in a Knockout or jQuery Application

Table View for Survey Results in a React Application

Table View for Survey Results in a Vue.js Application

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