Secure surveying
and form management is possible.

The all-in-one free full-scale demo of SurveyJS libraries.

More than just a free form builder.

The Free Survey tool enables users to explore the functionality of our libraries and estimate the value
they deliver before having them integrated into their application(s).



Learn how to configure and modify surveys and forms in an intuitive no-code UI that makes form creation effortless even for non-tech users. Simply drag-and-drop questions, assign values, apply skip logic, add translations in different languages and preview the look of your forms on the fly. Show it to your end users to make sure it's got all they need.


Publish your survey and send an invitation link to your audience inviting them to take it.

Create multiple projects to group your web forms, and add registered users to edit them together.


We use Azure cloud storage service to provide users with storage facilities for such test/trial surveys created in our Free Survey Tool as well as for the survey results they receive.

Please note, that content of a File upload question is stored within the survey result JSON file. For this reason it should not exceed 64 kB.


You can access the public API using your survey GUIDs to retrieve survey definition (data model) in JSON format, its results grouped by a question, or check survey completion status. Use the private API to manage your survey results and access to published surveys, modify survey JSON, retrieve a list of active or archived surveys, make duplicates, and more.


Download survey results file in Excel, CVS, PDF, or JSON format, or analyze them in the dashboard using interactive charts and tables. Drag and hide charts to change the layout of your dashboard and get a clear picture.


MySurveys is your private repository where you can access and manage all surveys and
forms that you created with Free Survey Tool.

Filter out active or archived surveys

Publish or unpublish


Make duplicates

Analyze results in an auto generated dashboard

Download survey results in Excel, CSV, PDF, or JSON format

View survey GUIDs

Create new surveys, and more

Complex form creation is simple.

The Free Survey tool has an intuitive UI organized in multiple tabs that you can switch to configure the
layout, flow and contents of your form, and preview the changes on the fly.

Apply Skip Logic
Add Translations


The Designer tab is where all the magic really happens! Here, you can choose from a variety of form elements that include a Radio button group, a Rating question, Checkboxes, File upload, and more. You can also add a panel to your form, insert several questions into it, and modify them all at once.


The Preview tab lets you see how the form will look. Switch to this tab during the design process to check any changes made to the form.

Apply Skip Logic

The logic tab is where you define the flow of your survey to make sure your respondents always get the most relevant questions.


Your entire form is defined as a data model (a ‘schema’) written in JSON. Such a JSON definition is automatically generated in the JSON tab while a form is being configured, and is later user to run the form in a web application with Survey JS Form Library.

Add Translation

The Translation tab displays survey strings and allows you to add your own translated strings, or override existing ones to your liking.

Please note that customer support for the Free Survey tool users is limited only to account and sales-related issues, and bugs. For other questions and problems, support is available through our GitHub and Stack Overflow communities.

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Check our FAQ or Contact Us

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