release notes

SurveyJS v1.9.81

Released: April 5, 2023

SurveyJS v1.9.81 adds support for right-to-left languages in generated PDF documents, a capability to set matrix column width based on a column type, and an API to specify focus behavior when users press the Enter key.

Right-to-Left Language Support in PDF Documents

PDF Generator now supports export of surveys that contain text in right-to-left languages. Simply enable the isRTL flag when you generate a right-to-left PDF document:

import { SurveyPDF } from "survey-pdf";

const surveyJson = { /* ... */ };

const pdfDocOptions = {
  // ...
  isRTL: true

const surveyPdf = new SurveyPDF(surveyJson, pdfDocOptions);;

Focus the next editor on Enter key press

Form Library enables you to specify focus behavior when users press the Enter key. To do this, assign one of the following values to the enterKeyAction property:

  • "moveToNextEditor" - Move focus to the next editor.
  • "loseFocus" - Remove focus from the current editor.
  • "default" (default) - Behave as a standard <input> element.

This property is specified in global settings and applies to all surveys in your application:

import { settings } from "survey-core";

settings.enterKeyAction = "moveToNextEditor";

Matrix Table: Set column width based on column type

You can now specify different default column widths for different column types in Matrix Table questions. For this purpose, define the matrix.columnWidthsByType object as shown below. These settings apply to all surveys in your application.

import { settings } from "survey-core";

settings.matrix.columnWidthsByType = {
  "tagbox": {
    minWidth: "240px",
    width: "300px"

New Demo Examples

Bug Fixes

Form Library

  • TagBox - Backspace key removes tags instead of removing the filter string (#5847)
  • Close a Dropdown even if a user selects the same option (#5895)
  • survey.settings.storeDuplicateTranslations = true doesn't preserve duplicate translation strings in Survey Creator (#5931)


  • Cannot enable the Mode Bar and Export to Image option for a Gauge visualizer (#321)

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