release notes

SurveyJS v1.9.86

Released: May 03, 2023

SurveyJS v1.9.86 introduces new rating scale types—stars and smiley faces, changes the Dashboard API, features more user-friendly question names in Survey Creator, and includes several bug fixes.

New Rating Scale Types: Stars and Smiley Faces

Our Rating Scale question type introduces two new scale types: stars and smileys. A star rating scale offers respondents a series of stars to rate your service or product. A smiley face rating scale uses two to ten emojis to help your customers convey their feelings about your product.

SurveyJS Form Library - Star and Smiley Face rating scales

To use one of the new scale types, set the rateType question property to "stars" or "smileys". The smiley face scale also supports additional properties: scaleColorMode and rateColorMode. scaleColorMode specifies whether to color the emojis or display them in monochrome. rateColorMode specifies the color of the selected emoji: "default" to use the default survey color or "scale" to inherit the color from the scale.

  "elements": [{
    "type": "rating",
    "name": "my-rating-question",
    "rateType": "smileys", // or "stars"
    "scaleColorMode": "colored", // or "monochrome"
    "rateColorMode": "scale" // or "default"

View Demo

Survey Creator users can find the new settings in the Rate Values category in Property Grid:

Survey Creator - Rating scale settings

Alternatively, Survey Creator users can change the scale type using an adorner directly on the design surface:

Survey Creator - Change rating scale type using an adorner

[Breaking Change] Dashboard: Updated VisualizerBase API

SurveyJS Dashboard v1.9.86 fixes several incorrect names in the VisualizerBase API:

Previous name Current name
name type
dataName name
showHeader showToolbar

Please update your code to use the current API names.

Survey Creator: Changed default logic operator for Checkboxes and Multi-Select Dropdowns

Since Survey Creator v1.9.86, Checkboxes and Multi-Select Dropdown questions use "All of" as the default operator instead of "Equals". An "All of" expression evaluates to true when all specified items are selected, regardless of whether other items are selected or not. An "Equals" expression, on the other hand, evaluates to true when only the specified items are selected.

Survey Creator - 'All of' as the default default logic operator for Checkboxes and Multi-Select Dropdowns

Survey Creator: Updated question names

We have updated question names in Survey Creator to more clear and user-friendly variants.

Update question names in Survey Creator

New Demos

Dynamic Default Question Values

Bug Fixes

Form Library

  • Dropdown: Typed-in value replaces the selected item if the item is not loaded (#6105)
  • The "required" error message bar doesn't stretch to the end of a Matrix Row (#5988)
  • Panel - The "required" validation message doesn't use the default validation error appearance (#5975)
  • page.addNewQuestion() doesn't create a new question for a custom question type (#6075)
  • Do not raise onComplete twice if the "complete" trigger is executed and the completeLastPage() method is called (#6107)
  • survey-angular-ui - Integrated third-party Angular components are missing from an optimized production build (#6113)

Survey Creator

  • Update the min and max properties on the onBlur event instead of the onTyping event (#6126)


  • Include missing German localization file (#338)

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