release notes

SurveyJS v1.9.96

Released: July 4, 2023

SurveyJS v1.9.96 includes changes in the VisualizationPanel and VisualizationManager APIs, user-friendly dataFormat property values in the Signature Pad question type, and several bug fixes.

Dashboard: VisualizationPanel and VisualizationManager API Update

SurveyJS Dashboard v1.9.96 introduces the following changes to the VisualizationPanel and VisualizationManager APIs. These changes help disambiguate the APIs and make the member names more congruent with the rest of the API.


Old API member name New API member name
data surveyData
getData() getCalculatedValues()
onVisibleElementsChanged onElementShown / onElementHidden / onElementMoved


Old method name New method name
getAlternativesVisualizer() getAltVisualizerSelector()
registerAlternativesVisualizer() registerAltVisualizerSelector()
unregisterVisualizerForAll(constructor) unregisterVisualizer(undefined, constructor)

getAlternativesVisualizer() and registerAlternativesVisualizer() are deleted from the API. The other previous property names will continue to work until further notice. However, we urge you to migrate your code to the new names to make sure that future updates won't break it.

Signature Pad: User-friendly dataFormat property values

The dataFormat property of the QuestionSignaturePadModel class specifies the format in which to store a signature image. Previously, this property accepted MIME types or an empty string. To make the property values more intuitive, we replaced them with user-friendly format names. MIME types are still supported for backward compatibility.

Previous value New value
"" "png"
"image/jpeg" "jpeg"
"image/svg+xml" "svg"

New and Updated Demos

Brand Your Survey Header

Add Animation to Survey Elements

Contact Information Template

Implement a Descriptive Text Element

Bug Fixes

Form Library

  • File question: A wrong file is removed when the onDownloadFile event is used (#6459)
  • A dropdown remains open when a survey is located inside a pop-up window (#6444)
  • A survey requests a server twice when run in Google Chrome but not when run in Mozilla Firefox (#6438)
  • Multi-Select Matrix: Column values cannot be validated against other survey questions (#6449)
  • Panel: "Response required" validation message does not disappear after filling out nested form fields (#6395)

Survey Creator

  • Updating a matrix column's choices doesn't trigger the onModified event (#4280)

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