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Documentation Docs


The SurveyModel object contains properties and methods that allow you to control the survey and access its elements.

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Inherited from the following class(es):

activePage allowCompleteSurveyAutomatic allowResizeComment autoAdvanceAllowComplete autoAdvanceEnabled autoFocusFirstError autoFocusFirstQuestion autoGrowComment backgroundImage backgroundOpacity calculatedValues checkErrorsMode clearDisabledChoices clearInvisibleValues clearValueOnDisableItems clientId commentAreaRows comments commentSuffix completedBeforeHtml completedHtml completedHtmlOnCondition completeText cookieName css currentPage currentPageNo data description editText emptySurveyText firstPageIsStarted firstPageIsStartPage focusFirstQuestionAutomatic focusOnFirstError goNextPageAutomatic gridLayoutEnabled hasCookie hasDescription headerView hideRequiredErrors ignoreValidation inSurvey isCurrentPageValid isDesignMode isEmpty isFirstPage isLastPage isLoadingFromJson isPage isPanel isQuestion isShowStartingPage isStartPageActive isSurvey isValidatingOnServer jsonErrors keepIncorrectValues lazyRenderEnabled lazyRendering loadingHtml locale logo logoFit logoHeight logoPosition logoWidth matrixDragHandleArea maxCommentLength maxOthersLength maxTextLength maxTimeToFinish maxTimeToFinishPage mode navigateToUrl navigateToUrlOnCondition navigationButtonsLocation pageCount pageNextText pagePrevText pages partialSendEnabled previewMode previewText processedCompletedBeforeHtml processedCompletedHtml processedLoadingHtml progressBarInheritWidthFrom progressBarLocation progressBarShowPageNumbers progressBarShowPageTitles progressBarType progressText progressValue questionDescriptionLocation questionErrorLocation questionOrder questionsOnPageMode questionsOrder questionStartIndex questionTitleLocation questionTitlePattern readOnly requiredMark requiredText sendResultOnPageNext showCompleteButton showCompletedPage showCompletePage showHeaderOnCompletePage showInvisibleElements showNavigationButtons showPageNumbers showPageTitles showPrevButton showPreviewBeforeComplete showProgressBar showQuestionNumbers showTimer showTimerPanel showTimerPanelMode showTitle showTOC startedPage startPage startSurveyText state storeOthersAsComment surveyId surveyPostId surveyShowDataSaving textUpdateMode timeLimit timeLimitPerPage timerInfoMode timerLocation timeSpent title tocLocation triggers validateVisitedEmptyFields validationAllowComplete validationAllowSwitchPages validationEnabled visiblePageCount visiblePages width widthMode
onAfterRenderMatrixCell onAfterRenderPage onAfterRenderPanel onAfterRenderQuestion onAfterRenderQuestionInput onAfterRenderSurvey onCheckAnswerCorrect onChoicesLazyLoad onChoicesLoaded onChoicesSearch onClearFiles onComplete onCompleting onCurrentPageChanged onCurrentPageChanging onDownloadFile onDragDropAllow onDynamicPanelAdded onDynamicPanelCurrentIndexChanged onDynamicPanelItemValueChanged onDynamicPanelRemoved onDynamicPanelRemoving onDynamicPanelValueChanged onDynamicPanelValueChanging onErrorCustomText onFocusInPanel onFocusInQuestion onGetChoiceDisplayValue onGetDynamicPanelTabTitle onGetExpressionDisplayValue onGetMatrixRowActions onGetPageNumber onGetPageTitleActions onGetPanelFooterActions onGetPanelNumber onGetPanelTitleActions onGetProgressText onGetQuestionDisplayValue onGetQuestionNo onGetQuestionNumber onGetQuestionTitle onGetQuestionTitleActions onGetResult onGetTitleTagName onIsAnswerCorrect onItemValuePropertyChanged onLoadChoicesFromServer onLoadedSurveyFromService onMatrixAfterCellRender onMatrixAllowRemoveRow onMatrixBeforeRowAdded onMatrixCellCreated onMatrixCellCreating onMatrixCellValidate onMatrixCellValueChanged onMatrixCellValueChanging onMatrixColumnAdded onMatrixDetailPanelVisibleChanged onMatrixRenderRemoveButton onMatrixRowAdded onMatrixRowAdding onMatrixRowRemoved onMatrixRowRemoving onMultipleTextItemAdded onNavigateToUrl onOpenDropdownMenu onOpenFileChooser onPageAdded onPageVisibleChanged onPanelAdded onPanelRemoved onPanelVisibleChanged onPartialSend onPopupVisibleChanged onProcessDynamicText onProcessHtml onProcessTextValue onProgressText onPropertyChanged onQuestionAdded onQuestionCreated onQuestionRemoved onQuestionVisibleChanged onResize onScrollingElementToTop onScrollToTop onSendResult onServerValidateQuestions onSettingQuestionErrors onShowingChoiceItem onShowingPreview onStarted onTextMarkdown onTimer onTimerTick onTriggerExecuted onUpdateChoiceItemCss onUpdatePageCssClasses onUpdatePanelCssClasses onUpdateQuestionCssClasses onUploadFiles onValidatedErrorsOnCurrentPage onValidatePage onValidatePanel onValidateQuestion onValueChanged onValueChanging onVariableChanged
activePage property

Returns startPage if the survey currently displays a start page; otherwise, returns currentPage.

any readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
startPage * , currentPage * , firstPageIsStartPage

Adds an element to the survey layout.

This method accepts an object with the following layout element properties:

  • id: string | "timerpanel" | "progress-buttons" | "progress-questions" | "progress-pages" | "progress-correctquestions" | "progress-requiredquestions" | "toc-navigation" | "buttons-navigation"
    A layout element identifier. You can use possible values to access and relocate or customize predefined layout elements.

  • container: "header" | "footer" | "left" | "right" | "contentTop" | "contentBottom"
    A layout container that holds the element. If you want to display the element within multiple containers, set this property to an array of possible values.

  • component: string
    The name of the component that renders the layout element.

  • data: any
    Data passed as props to component.

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(layoutElement: ISurveyLayoutElement) => ISurveyLayoutElement
layoutElement, type: ISurveyLayoutElement ,

A layout element configuration.

Return Value:

The configuration of the previous layout element with the same id.

Implemented in:

Adds a custom navigation item similar to the Previous Page, Next Page, and Complete buttons. Accepts an object described in the IAction help section.

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(val: IAction) => Action
val, type: IAction
Implemented in:
addNewPage method

Creates a new page and adds it to the survey.

If you want to switch a survey to the newly added page, assign its index to the currentPageNo property or assign the entire page to the currentPage property.

(name?: string, index?: number) => PageModel
name, type: string ,

A page name. If you do not specify this parameter, it will be generated automatically.

index, type: number ,

An index at which to insert the page. If you do not specify this parameter, the page will be added to the end.

Return Value:

The created and added page.

Implemented in:
See also:
addPage * , createNewPage
addPage method

Adds an existing page to the survey.

(page: PageModel, index?: number) => void
page, type: PageModel ,

A page to add.

index, type: number ,

An index at which to insert the page. If you do not specify this parameter, the page will be added to the end.

Implemented in:
See also:
addNewPage * , createNewPage

Obsolete. Use the autoAdvanceAllowComplete property instead.

boolean writable
Implemented in:

Specifies whether to display a resize handle for Long Text questions and other text areas intended for multi-line text content.

Default value: true

You can override this property for individual Long Text questions: allowResize.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
See also:
autoGrowComment * , commentAreaRows
applyTheme method

Applies a specified theme to the survey.

Themes & Styles

(theme: ITheme) => void
theme, type: ITheme ,

An ITheme object with theme settings.

Implemented in:

Specifies whether to complete the survey automatically after a user answers all questions on the last page. Applies only if the autoAdvanceEnabled property is true.

Default value: true

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
See also:

Specifies whether the survey switches to the next page automatically after a user answers all questions on the current page.

Default value: false

If you enable this property, the survey is also completed automatically. Set the autoAdvanceAllowComplete property to false if you want to disable this behavior.

If any of the following questions is answered last, the survey does not switch to the next page: Checkboxes, Yes/No (Boolean) (rendered as Checkbox), Long Text, Signature, Image Picker (with Multi Select), File Upload, Single-Select Matrix (not all rows are answered), Dynamic Matrix, Dynamic Panel.

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boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:

Specifies whether to focus the first question with a validation error on the current page.

Default value: true

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
See also:
validate * , autoFocusFirstQuestion

Specifies whether to focus the first question on the page on survey startup or when users switch between pages.

Default value: false in v1.9.114 and later, true in earlier versions

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
autoFocusFirstError * , focusFirstQuestion * , focusQuestion
autoGrowComment property

Specifies whether to increase the height of Long Text questions and other text areas to accommodate multi-line text content.

Default value: false

You can override this property for individual Long Text questions: autoGrow.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
allowResizeComment * , commentAreaRows
backgroundImage property

An image to display in the background of the survey or form. Accepts a base64 or URL string value.

string readonly

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:

A value from 0 to 1 that specifies how transparent the background image should be: 0 makes the image completely transparent, and 1 makes it opaque.

number writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
beginLoading method

Displays the Loading page.

() => void
Implemented in:
See also:
calculatedValues property

An array of calculated values.

CalculatedValue[] writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
cancelPreview method

Cancels a preview of given answers and switches the survey to the page specified by the currentPage parameter.

(currentPage?: any) => void
currentPage, type: any ,

A new current page. If you do not specify this parameter, the survey displays the last page.

Implemented in:
See also:
showPreview * , showPreviewBeforeComplete * , state
checkErrorsMode property

Specifies when the survey validates answers.

Possible values:

  • "onNextPage" (default) - Triggers validation before the survey is switched to the next page or completed.
  • "onValueChanged" - Triggers validation each time a question value is changed.
  • "onComplete" - Triggers validation when a user clicks the Complete button. If previous pages contain errors, the survey switches to the page with the first error.

In SurveyJS Form Library v1.12.5 and earlier, the "onValueChanged" mode doesn't work with date input fields because of the way browsers process date values. In most browsers, the value is considered changed as soon as a user starts entering the date in a text input field. This means that a user may only enter the day without having the chance to enter the month and year before validation is triggered. For this reason, date input fields are validated before the survey is switched to the next page or completed. Starting with v1.12.6, "onValueChanged" works for date input fields as well as for input fields of other types.

Refer to the following help topic for more information: Data Validation.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
onNextPage , onValueChanged , onComplete
Implemented in:
See also:
validationEnabled * , validationAllowSwitchPages * , validationAllowComplete * , validate
chooseFiles method

Opens a dialog window for users to select files.

(input: any, callback: (files: any[]) => void, context?: { element: Base; item?: any; elementType?: string; propertyName?: string; }) => void
input, type: any ,

A file input HTML element.

callback, type: (files: any[]) => void ,

A callback function that you can use to process selected files. Accepts an array of JavaScript File objects.

context, type: { element: Base; item?: any; elementType?: string; propertyName?: string; }
Implemented in:
See also:
onOpenFileChooser * , onUploadFile
clear method

Resets the survey state and, optionally, data. If state is "completed", it becomes "running".

(clearData?: boolean, goToFirstPage?: boolean) => void
clearData, type: boolean ,

(Optional) Specifies whether to clear survey data. Default value: true.

goToFirstPage, type: boolean ,

(Optional) Specifies whether to switch the survey to the first page. Default value: true.

Implemented in:

Specifies whether to remove disabled choices from the value in Dropdown, Checkboxes, and Radio Button Group questions.

Default value: false

This property cannot be specified in the survey JSON schema. Use dot notation to specify it.

boolean writable
Implemented in:

Removes values that cannot be assigned to a question, for example, choices unlisted in the choices array.

Call this method after you assign new question values in code to ensure that they are acceptable.

This method does not remove values that fail validation. Call the validate() method to validate newly assigned values.

(removeNonExistingRootKeys?: boolean) => void
removeNonExistingRootKeys, type: boolean ,

Pass true to remove values that do not correspond to any question or calculated value.

Implemented in:

Specifies when to remove values of invisible questions from survey results.

Possible values:

  • "onComplete" (default) - Clears invisible question values when the survey is complete.
  • "onHidden" - Clears a question value when the question becomes invisible. If the question is invisible initially, its value is removed on survey completion.
  • "onHiddenContainer" - Clears a question value when the question or its containter (page or panel) becomes invisible. If the question is invisible initially, its value is removed on survey completion.
  • "none" - Keeps invisible values in survey results.
  • true - Equivalent to "onComplete".
  • false - Equivalent to "none".
any writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
none , onComplete , onHidden , onHiddenContainer
Implemented in:
See also:
Conditional Visibility , onComplete
clearValue method

Deletes an answer from survey results.

(name: string) => void
name, type: string ,

An object property that stores the answer to delete. Pass a question's valueName or name.

Implemented in:

Obsolete. Use the clearDisabledChoices property instead.

boolean writable
Implemented in:
clientId property

Obsolete. Self-hosted Form Library no longer supports integration with SurveyJS Demo Service.

string writable
Implemented in:
clone method

Creates a new object that has the same type and properties as the current SurveyJS object.

() => Base
Implemented in:
commentAreaRows property

Specifies the visible height of comment areas, measured in lines. Applies to the questions with the showCommentArea or showOtherItem property enabled.

Default value: 2

The value of this property is passed on to the rows attribute of the underlying <textarea> element.

number writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
autoGrowComment * , allowResizeComment
comments property

An object with all comment values.

any readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
Question.showCommentArea * , storeOthersAsComment
commentSuffix property

A suffix added to the name of the property that stores comments.

Default value: "-Comment"

Many question types allow respondents to leave comments. To enable this functionality, set a question's showCommentArea property to true. Comment values are saved in a separate property. The property name is composed of the question name and commentSuffix.

Respondents can also leave comments when they select "Other" in choice-based questions, such as Dropdown or Checkboxes. The property name for the comment value is composed according to the same rules. However, you can use the question name as a key to store the comment value instead. Disable the storeOthersAsComment property in this case.

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string writable
Implemented in:

HTML content displayed to a user who has completed the survey before. To identify such users, the survey uses a cookie name or client ID.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
completedHtml property

HTML content displayed on the complete page.

View Demo

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
showCompletePage * , completedHtmlOnCondition

An array of objects that allows you to specify different HTML content for the complete page.

Each object should include the expression and html properties. When expression evaluates to true, the survey uses the corresponding HTML markup instead of completedHtml. Refer to the following help topic for more information about expressions: Expressions.

View Demo

HtmlConditionItem[] writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:

Obsolete. Use the tryComplete method instead.

() => boolean
Implemented in:
completeText property

Gets or sets a caption for the Complete button.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
Localization & Globalization
cookieName property

A cookie name used to save information about survey completion.

When this property has a value, the survey creates a cookie with the specified name on completion. This cookie helps ensure that users do not pass the same survey twice. On the second run, they will see the Completed Before page.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
createNewPage method

Creates and returns a new page but does not add it to the survey.

Call the addPage(page) method to add the created page to the survey later or the addNewPage(name, index) method to create and add a page to the survey.

(name: string) => PageModel
name, type: string
Implemented in:
See also:
addPage * , addNewPage
css property

Gets or sets an object in which keys are UI elements and values are CSS classes applied to them.

View Demo

any writable
Implemented in:
currentPage property

Gets or sets the current page.

If you want to change the current page, set this property to a PageModel object. You can get this object in different ways. For example, you can call the getPageByName() method to obtain a PageModel object with a specific name:

survey.currentPage = survey.getPageByName("my-page-name");

Alternatively, you can change the current page if you set the currentPageNo property to the index of the required page.

The currentPage property does not return the start page even if it is current. Use the activePage property instead if your survey contains a start page.

any writable
Implemented in:
currentPageNo property

A zero-based index of the current page in the visiblePages array.

View Demo

number writable
Implemented in:
See also:
data property

Gets or sets an object with survey results. You can set this property with an object of the following structure:

  question1Name: question1Value,
  question2Name: question2Value,
  // ...

When you set this property in code, the new object overrides the old object that may contain default question values and entered data. If you want to merge the new and old objects, call the mergeData(newDataObj) method.

If you assign a new object while a respondent takes the survey, set the currentPageNo property to 0 to start the survey from the beginning. This will also cause the survey to re-evaluate the visibleIf, enableIf, and other expressions.

any writable
Implemented in:
See also:
setValue * , getValue
deleteCookie method

Deletes a cookie with a specified cookieName from the browser.

() => void
Implemented in:
See also:
hasCookie * , setCookie
description property

Explanatory text displayed under the title.

string writable
Implemented in:
See also:
dispose method

Disposes of the survey model.

Call this method to release resources if your application contains multiple survey models or if you re-create a survey model at runtime.

() => void
Implemented in:
doComplete method

Completes the survey.

When you call this method, Form Library performs the following actions:

  1. Saves a cookie if the cookieName property is set.
  2. Switches the survey state to "completed".
  3. Raises the onComplete event.
  4. Navigates the user to a URL specified by the navigateToUrl or navigateToUrlOnCondition property.

The doComplete() method completes the survey regardless of validation errors and the current page. If you need to ensure that survey results are valid and full, call the completeLastPage() method instead.

(isCompleteOnTrigger?: boolean, completeTrigger?: Trigger) => boolean
isCompleteOnTrigger, type: boolean ,

For internal use.

completeTrigger, type: Trigger ,

For internal use.

Return Value:

false if survey completion is cancelled within the onCompleting event handler; otherwise, true.

Implemented in:
editText property

Gets or sets a caption for the Edit button displayed when the survey shows a preview of given answers.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
showPreviewBeforeComplete * , cancelPreview * , previewText
emptySurveyText property

A message that is displayed when a survey does not contain visible pages or questions.

string writable
Implemented in:
See also:
Localization & Globalization
endLoading method

Stops displaying the Loading page.

() => void
Implemented in:
See also:

Obsolete. Use the firstPageIsStartPage property instead.

boolean writable
Implemented in:

Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the first page is a start page.

Refer to the following help topic for more information: Start Page.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
startPage * , activePage

Focuses the first question on the current page.

() => void
Implemented in:
See also:
focusQuestion * , autoFocusFirstQuestion

Obsolete. Use the autoFocusFirstQuestion property instead.

boolean writable
Implemented in:

Obsolete. Use the autoFocusFirstError property instead.

boolean writable
Implemented in:
focusQuestion method

Focuses a question with a specified name. Switches the current page if needed.

(name: string) => boolean
name, type: string ,

A question name.

Return Value:

false if the survey does not contain a question with a specified name or this question is hidden; otherwise, true.

Implemented in:
See also:
focusFirstQuestion * , autoFocusFirstQuestion
fromJSON method

Assigns a new configuration to the current SurveyJS object. This configuration is taken from a passed JSON object.

The JSON object should contain only serializable properties of this SurveyJS object. Event handlers and properties that do not belong to the SurveyJS object are ignored.

(json: any, options?: ILoadFromJSONOptions) => void
json, type: any ,

A JSON object with properties that you want to apply to the current SurveyJS object.

options, type: ILoadFromJSONOptions ,

An object with configuration options.

Implemented in:
See also:
getAllPanels method

Returns a list of all panels in the survey.

(visibleOnly?: boolean, includeDesignTime?: boolean) => IPanel[]
visibleOnly, type: boolean ,

A Boolean value that specifies whether to include only visible panels.

includeDesignTime, type: boolean ,

For internal use.

Return Value:

An array of panels.

Implemented in:
See also:

Returns a list of all questions in the survey.

(visibleOnly?: boolean, includeDesignTime?: boolean, includeNested?: boolean) => Question[]
visibleOnly, type: boolean ,

A Boolean value that specifies whether to include only visible questions.

includeDesignTime, type: boolean ,

For internal use.

includeNested, type: boolean ,

A Boolean value that specifies whether to include nested questions, such as questions within matrix cells.

Return Value:

An array of questions.

Implemented in:
See also:
getComment method

Returns a comment value from a question with a specified name.

(name: string) => string
name, type: string ,

A question name.

Return Value:

A comment.

Implemented in:
See also:

Returns the number of correct answers in a quiz.

For more information about quizzes, refer to the following tutorial: Create a Quiz.

() => number
Return Value:

The number of correct answers in a quiz.

Implemented in:
See also:
getQuizQuestionCount * , getIncorrectAnswerCount
getData method

Returns an object with survey results.

If you want to get a survey results object that mirrors the survey structure, call the getData() method with an object that has the includePages and includePanels properties enabled. Without this object, the getData() method returns the data property value.

import { Model } from "survey-core";

const surveyJson = { ... };
const survey = new Model(surveyJson);
survey.getData({ includePages: true, includePanels: true });
(options?: { includePages?: boolean; includePanels?: boolean; }) => any
options, type: { includePages?: boolean; includePanels?: boolean; }
Implemented in:

Returns the number of incorrect answers in a quiz.

For more information about quizzes, refer to the following tutorial: Create a Quiz.

() => number
Return Value:

The number of incorrect answers in a quiz.

Implemented in:
See also:

Returns a page to which a specified survey element (question or panel) belongs.

(element: IElement) => PageModel
element, type: IElement ,

A question or panel instance.

Implemented in:
getPageByName method

Returns a page with a specified name.

(name: string) => PageModel
name, type: string ,

A page name.

Implemented in:

Returns a page to which a specified question belongs.

(question: IQuestion) => PageModel
question, type: IQuestion ,

A question instance.

Implemented in:

Returns a panel with a specified name.

(name: string, caseInsensitive?: boolean) => PanelModel
name, type: string ,

A panel name.

caseInsensitive, type: boolean ,

(Optional) A Boolean value that specifies case sensitivity when searching for the panel. Default value: false (uppercase and lowercase letters are treated as distinct).

Return Value:

A panel with a specified name.

Implemented in:
See also:
getPlainData method

Returns survey results as an array of objects in which the question name, title, value, and other parameters are stored as individual properties.

If a question can have more than one value (Matrix, Multiple Text), its object enables the isNode flag and stores information about these values in the data property. Refer to the following help topic for more information: Access Full Survey Results.

If you want to skip empty answers, pass an object with the includeEmpty property set to false.

(options?: IPlainDataOptions) => IQuestionPlainData[]
options, type: IPlainDataOptions
Implemented in:

Returns a JsonObjectProperty object with metadata about a serializable property that belongs to the current SurveyJS object.

If the property is not found, this method returns null.

(propName: string) => JsonObjectProperty
propName, type: string ,

A property name.

Implemented in:

Returns the value of a property with a specified name.

If the property is not found or does not have a value, this method returns either undefined, defaultValue specified in the property configuration, or a value passed as the defaultValue parameter.

(name: string, defaultValue?: any, calcFunc?: () => any) => any
name, type: string ,

A property name.

defaultValue, type: any ,

(Optional) A value to return if the property is not found or does not have a value.

calcFunc, type: () => any
Implemented in:

Returns a question with a specified name.

(name: string, caseInsensitive?: boolean) => Question
name, type: string ,

A question name

caseInsensitive, type: boolean ,

(Optional) A Boolean value that specifies case sensitivity when searching for the question. Default value: false (uppercase and lowercase letters are treated as distinct).

Return Value:

A question with a specified name.

Implemented in:
See also:
getAllQuestions * , getQuestionByValueName

Returns a question with a specified valueName.

Since valueName does not have to be unique, multiple questions can have the same valueName value. In this case, the getQuestionByValueName() method returns the first such question. If you need to get all questions with the same valueName, call the getQuestionsByValueName() method.

(valueName: string, caseInsensitive?: boolean) => Question
valueName, type: string ,

A question's valueName property value.

caseInsensitive, type: boolean ,

(Optional) A Boolean value that specifies case sensitivity when searching for the question. Default value: false (uppercase and lowercase letters are treated as distinct).

Return Value:

A question with a specified valueName.

Implemented in:
See also:
getAllQuestions * , getQuestionByName

Returns all questions with a specified valueName. If a question's valueName is undefined, its name property is used.

(valueName: string, caseInsensitive?: boolean) => Question[]
valueName, type: string ,

A question's valueName property value.

caseInsensitive, type: boolean ,

(Optional) A Boolean value that specifies case sensitivity when searching for the questions. Default value: false (uppercase and lowercase letters are treated as distinct).

Return Value:

An array of questions with a specified valueName.

Implemented in:
See also:
getAllQuestions * , getQuestionByName

Returns the number of quiz questions. A question counts if it is visible, has an input field, and specifies correctAnswer.

This number may be different from getQuizQuestions().length because certain question types (for instance, matrix-like types) include more than one question.

For more information about quizzes, refer to the following tutorial: Create a Quiz.

() => number
Return Value:

The number of quiz questions.

Implemented in:
See also:

Returns an array of quiz questions. A question counts if it is visible, has an input field, and specifies correctAnswer.

For more information about quizzes, refer to the following tutorial: Create a Quiz.

() => IQuestion[]
Return Value:

An array of quiz questions.

Implemented in:
See also:
getResult method

Obsolete. Self-hosted Form Library no longer supports integration with SurveyJS Demo Service.

(resultId: string, questionName: string) => void
resultId, type: string
questionName, type: string
Implemented in:
getType method

Returns the object type as it is used in the JSON schema.

() => string
Implemented in:

Returns an array of locales whose translations are used in the survey.

Localization & Globalization help topic

Survey Localization demo

() => string[]
Implemented in:
getValue method

Returns a value (answer) for a question with a specified name.

(name: string) => any
name, type: string ,

A question name.

Return Value:

A question value (answer).

Implemented in:
See also:
data * , setValue
getVariable method

Returns a variable value.

Variables help topic

(name: string) => any
name, type: string ,

A variable name.

Implemented in:
See also:
setVariable * , getVariableNames

Returns the names of all variables in the survey.

Variables help topic

() => string[]
Return Value:

An array of variable names.

Implemented in:
See also:
getVariable * , setVariable

Obsolete. Use the autoAdvanceEnabled property instead.

boolean writable
Implemented in:

Enables the grid layout, which structures form elements using a column-based system.

Default value: false

Specify the gridLayoutColumns property for pages and panels to configure layout columns. Set the colSpan property for an individual question or panel to adjust how many columns this survey element spans.

boolean readonly

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
hasCookie property

Indicates whether the browser has a cookie with a specified cookieName. If this property's value is true, the respondent has passed the survey previously.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
setCookie * , deleteCookie
hasDescription property

Returns true if the survey element has a description.

boolean writable
Implemented in:
See also:
headerView property

Obsolete. Use the headerView property within a theme instead.

"advanced" | "basic" readonly

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
basic , advanced
Implemented in:

Specifies whether to hide validation errors thrown by the Required validation in the UI.

Built-In Client-Side Validators

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
validationEnabled * , validationAllowSwitchPages
ignoreValidation property

Obsolete. Use the validationEnabled property instead.

boolean writable
Implemented in:
inSurvey property

Returns true if the object is included in a survey.

This property may return false, for example, when you create a survey model dynamically.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:

Returns true if the current page does not contain errors.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:

Use this method to find out if the current object is of a given typeName or inherited from it.

(typeName: string) => boolean
typeName, type: string ,

One of the values listed in the getType() description.

Return Value:

true if the current object is of a given typeName or inherited from it.

Implemented in:
See also:
isDesignMode property

Indicates whether the survey is being designed in Survey Creator.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
isEmpty property

Returns true if the survey contains zero pages.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
isFirstPage property

Indicates whether the current page is the first page.

If the survey displays the start page, this property contains false. Use the isStartPageActive property to find out whether the start page is currently displayed.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
isLastPage property

Indicates whether the current page is the last page.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:

Returns true if the object configuration is being loaded from JSON.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
isPage property

Returns true if the survey element is a page.

This property returns false for PageModel objects in the following cases:

In those cases, the survey creates an internal PageModel object to show all questions on one page, and all regular pages become panels.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
isPanel property

Returns true if the survey element is a panel or acts as one.

This property returns true for PageModel objects in the following cases:

In those cases, the survey creates an internal PageModel object to show all questions on one page, and all regular pages become panels.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
isQuestion property

Returns true if the survey element is a question.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:

Obsolete. Use the isStartPageActive property instead.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:

A Boolean value that indicates whether the start page is currently displayed.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
isSurvey property

Returns true if the element is a survey.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:

Indicates whether the current page is being validated on a server.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
isValueEmpty method

Returns true if a passed value is an empty string, array, or object or if it equals to undefined or null.

(value: any, trimString?: boolean) => boolean
value, type: any ,

A value to be checked.

trimString, type: boolean ,

(Optional) When this parameter is true, the method ignores whitespace characters at the beginning and end of a string value. Pass false to disable this functionality.

Implemented in:
jsonErrors property

A list of errors in a survey JSON schema.

JsonError[] readonly
Implemented in:
See also:

Specifies whether to keep values that cannot be assigned to questions, for example, choices unlisted in the choices array.

This property cannot be specified in the survey JSON schema. Use dot notation to specify it.

boolean writable
Implemented in:
See also:

Specifies whether to enable lazy rendering.

In default mode, a survey renders the entire current page. With lazy rendering, the survey renders the page gradually as a user scrolls it. This helps reduce survey startup time and optimizes large surveys for low-end devices.

Default value: false

View Demo

boolean writable
Implemented in:
See also:
lazyRendering property

Obsolete. Use the lazyRenderEnabled property instead.

boolean writable
Implemented in:
loadingHtml property

HTML content displayed while a survey JSON schema is being loaded.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:

Obsolete. Self-hosted Form Library no longer supports integration with SurveyJS Demo Service.

(surveyId?: string, clientId?: string) => void
surveyId, type: string
clientId, type: string
Implemented in:
locale property

Specifies the survey's locale.

Default value: "" (a default locale is used)

Localization & Globalization help topic

Survey Localization demo

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Accepted values:
Implemented in:
logoFit property

Specifies how to resize a logo to fit it into its container.

Possible values:

  • "contain" (default)
  • "cover"
  • "fill"
  • "none"

Refer to the object-fit CSS property description for information on the possible values.

View Demo

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
none , contain , cover , fill
Implemented in:
See also:
logo * , logoPosition
logoHeight property

A logo height in CSS-accepted values.

Default value: 40px

View Demo

any writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
See also:
logoWidth * , logo * , logoPosition * , logoFit
logoPosition property

A logo position relative to the survey title.

Possible values:

  • "left" (default) - Places the logo to the left of the survey title.
  • "right" - Places the logo to the right of the survey title.
  • "none" - Hides the logo.

View Demo

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
none , left , right , top , bottom
Implemented in:
See also:
logo * , logoFit
logoWidth property

A logo width in CSS-accepted values.

Default value: auto (the width is calculated automatically based on the logoHeight value to keep the original aspect ratio)

View Demo

any writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
See also:
logo * , logoPosition * , logoFit

Specifies which part of a matrix row responds to a drag gesture in Dynamic Matrix questions.

Possible values:

  • "entireItem" (default) - Users can use the entire matrix row as a drag handle.
  • "icon" - Users can only use a drag icon as a drag handle.
string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
entireItem , icon
Implemented in:
maxCommentLength property

Specifies the maximum text length for question comments. Applies to questions with the showCommentArea or showOtherItem property set to true.

Default value: 0 (unlimited)

number writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
maxOthersLength property

Obsolete. Use the maxCommentLength property instead.

number writable
Implemented in:
maxTextLength property

Specifies the maximum text length in textual questions (Single-Line Input, Long Text, Multiple Textboxes), measured in characters.

Default value: 0 (unlimited)

You can override this setting for individual questions if you specify their maxLength property.

number writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
maxTimeToFinish property

Obsolete. Use the timeLimit property instead.

number writable
Implemented in:

Obsolete. Use the timeLimitPerPage property instead.

number writable
Implemented in:
mergeData method

Merges a specified data object with the object from the data property.

Refer to the following help topic for more information: Populate Form Fields | Multiple Question Values.

(data: any) => void
data, type: any ,

A data object to merge. It should have the following structure: { questionName: questionValue, ... }

Implemented in:
See also:
mode property

Obsolete. Use the readOnly property.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
edit , display
Implemented in:
nextPage method

Switches the survey to the next page.

This method returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the page was successfully switched. false is returned if the current page is the last page or if it contains validation errors.

() => boolean
Return Value:

true if the page was successfully switched; false otherwise.

Implemented in:
See also:
isLastPage * , prevPage * , completeLastPage
notify method

Displays a toast notification with a specified message.

Depending on the type argument, a survey can display the following notification types:

Toast notification types in SurveyJS Form Library

(message: string, type: string, showActions?: boolean) => void
message, type: string ,

A message to display.

type, type: string ,

A notification type: "info" (default), "success", or "error".

showActions, type: boolean ,

For internal use.

Implemented in:

An event that is raised for every matrix cell after it is rendered to the DOM.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.htmlElement: any
    A rendered HTML element.
  • options.cell: MatrixDropdownCell
    A matrix cell for which the event is raised.
  • options.cellQuestion: Question
    A Question instance within the matrix cell.
  • options.row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase
    A matrix row to which the cell belongs.
  • options.column: MatrixDropdownColumn | MatrixDropdownCell
    A matrix column to which the cell belongs.
EventBase<SurveyModel, MatrixAfterCellRenderEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised after a page is rendered to the DOM. Use it to modify page markup.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.htmlElement: any
    A rendered HTML element.
  • PageModel
    A Page instance for which the event is raised.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, AfterRenderPageEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised after a panel is rendered to the DOM. Use it to modify panel markup.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.htmlElement: any
    A rendered HTML element.
  • options.panel: PanelModel
    A Panel instance for which the event is raised.

This event is raised for static Panels as well as panels within a Dynamic Panel.

EventBase<SurveyModel, AfterRenderPanelEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised after a question is rendered to the DOM. Use it to modify question markup.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.htmlElement: any
    A rendered HTML element.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, AfterRenderQuestionEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised after a question with a single input field is rendered to the DOM. Use it to modify question markup.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.htmlElement: any
    A rendered HTML element.

This event is not raised for questions without input fields (HTML, Image) or questions with multiple input fields (Matrix, Multiple Text).

EventBase<SurveyModel, AfterRenderQuestionInputEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised after the survey is rendered to the DOM. Use this event to modify survey markup.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.htmlElement: any
    A rendered HTML element.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, AfterRenderSurveyEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised to define whether a question answer is correct. Applies only to quiz surveys.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.result: boolean
    A Boolean property that specifies whether the answer is correct (true) or incorrect (false). Use the options.question.value and options.question.correctAnswer properties to check the answer.
  • options.correctAnswerCount: number
    The number of correct answers in a matrix where each row is considered as one quiz question.
  • options.incorrectAnswerCount: number
    The number of incorrect answers in a matrix where each row is considered as one quiz question.
EventBase<SurveyModel, CheckAnswerCorrectEvent>
Implemented in:

Use this event to load choice items in Dropdown and Tag Box questions on demand.

This event is raised only for those questions that have the choicesLazyLoadEnabled property set to true.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.setItems: (items: (string | { value: any; text?: String; imageLink?: string; customProperty?: any; })[], totalCount: number) => void
    A method that you should call to assign loaded items to the question. Item objects should be structured as specified in the choices property description. If their structure is different, map their properties to bring them to the required structure.
  • options.filter: string
    A search string used to filter choices.
  • options.take: number
    The number of choice items to load. You can use the question's choicesLazyLoadPageSize property to change this number.
  • options.skip: number
    The number of choice items to skip.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, ChoicesLazyLoadEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised after choices are loaded from a server but before they are assigned to a choice-based question, such as Dropdown or Checkboxes. Handle this event if you need to modify the loaded choices.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.serverResult: any
    A query result as it came from the server.
  • options.choices: ItemValue[]
    An array of loaded choices. You can modify this array.
EventBase<SurveyModel, ChoicesLoadedEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised each time a search string in a Dropdown or Tag Box question changes. Use this event to implement custom filtering of choice options.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.filter: string
    A search string used to filter choice options.
  • options.choices: ItemValue[]
    An array of all choice options.
  • options.filteredChoices: ItemValue[]
    A filtered array of choice options. Apply options.filter to the options.choices array and assign the result to this parameter.
EventBase<SurveyModel, ChoicesSearchEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
QuestionDropdownModel.searchEnabled , QuestionDropdownModel.searchMode
onClearFiles event

An event that is raised when users clear files in a File Upload question or clear signature in a Signature Pad question. Use this event to delete files from your server.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionFileModel | QuestionSignaturePadModel
    A File Upload or Signature Pad question instance for which the event is raised.
  • string
    A File Upload question's name.
  • options.callback: (status: string, data?: any) => any
    A callback function that you should call when files are deleted successfully or when deletion fails. Pass "success" or "error" as the first argument to indicate the operation status. As the second argument, you can pass deleted files' data (options.value) if file deletion was successful or an error message if file deletion failed.
  • options.fileName: string
    The name of a file to delete. When this parameter is null, all files should be deleted.
  • options.value: any
    The File Upload question's value that contains metadata about uploaded files.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, ClearFilesEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
clearFiles * , onDownloadFile * , onUploadFiles
onComplete event

An event that is raised after the survey is completed. Use this event to send survey results to the server.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.isCompleteOnTrigger: boolean
    Returns true if survey completion is caused by a "complete" trigger.
  • options.completeTrigger: Trigger
    A "complete" trigger that has been executed. This parameter has a value only if options.isCompleteOnTrigger is true.
  • options.clearSaveMessages: (test?: string) => void
    Call this method to hide the save operation messages.
  • options.showSaveSuccess: (text?: string) => void
    Call this method to indicate that survey results are successfully saved. You can use the text parameter to display a custom message.
  • options.showSaveError: (text?: string) => void
    Call this method to indicate that an error occurred during the save operation. You can use the text parameter to display a custom error message.
  • options.showSaveInProgress: (text?: string) => void
    Call this method to indicate that the save operation is in progress. You can use the text parameter to display a custom message.

For an example of how to use the methods described above, refer to the following help topic: Store Survey Results in Your Own Database.

Do not disable the showCompletePage property if you call one of the options.showSave... methods. This is required because the UI that indicates data saving progress is integrated into the complete page. If you hide the complete page, the UI also becomes invisible.

EventBase<SurveyModel, CompleteEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
onPartialSend * , doComplete * , autoAdvanceAllowComplete
onCompleting event

An event that is raised before the survey is completed. Use this event to prevent survey completion.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.isCompleteOnTrigger: boolean
    Returns true if survey completion is caused by a "complete" trigger.
  • options.completeTrigger: Trigger
    A "complete" trigger that has been executed. This parameter has a value only if options.isCompleteOnTrigger is true.
  • options.allow: boolean
    A Boolean property that you can set to false if you want to prevent survey completion.
EventBase<SurveyModel, CompletingEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
onComplete * , doComplete * , autoAdvanceAllowComplete

An event that is raised after the current page is switched.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.isPrevPage: boolean
    Returns true if the respondent is switching to the previous page.
  • options.isNextPage: boolean
    Returns true if the respondent is switching to the next page.
  • options.isGoingBackward: boolean
    Returns true if the respondent is going backward, that is, newCurrentPage or newCurrentQuestion is earlier in the survey than oldCurrentPage or oldCurrentQuestion.
  • options.isGoingForward: boolean
    Returns true if the respondent is going forward along the survey.
  • options.isAfterPreview: boolean
    Returns true if the respondent is switching from the preview page.
  • options.newCurrentPage: PageModel
    The current page.
  • options.oldCurrentPage: PageModel
    A page that used to be current.
    In question-per-page mode, the oldCurrentPage and newCurrentPage parameters may contain the same PageModel instance. This is because the survey doesn't create artificial pages to display only one question per page. If both the previous and current questions belong to the same page in the survey JSON schema, they have the same parent PageModel instance.
  • options.oldCurrentQuestion: Question
    The current question.
    This parameter has a value only in question-per-page mode.
  • options.newCurrentQuestion: Question
    A question that used to be current.
    This parameter has a value only in question-per-page mode.
EventBase<SurveyModel, CurrentPageChangedEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
currentPageNo * , nextPage * , prevPage

An event that is raised before the current page is switched.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.isPrevPage: boolean
    Returns true if the respondent is switching to the previous page.
  • options.isNextPage: boolean
    Returns true if the respondent is switching to the next page.
  • options.isGoingBackward: boolean
    Returns true if the respondent is going backward, that is, newCurrentPage or newCurrentQuestion is earlier in the survey than oldCurrentPage or oldCurrentQuestion.
  • options.isGoingForward: boolean
    Returns true if the respondent is going forward along the survey.
  • options.isAfterPreview: boolean
    Returns true if the respondent is switching from the preview page.
  • options.newCurrentPage: PageModel
    The current page.
  • options.oldCurrentPage: PageModel
    A page that used to be current.
    In question-per-page mode, the oldCurrentPage and newCurrentPage parameters may contain the same PageModel instance. This is because the survey doesn't create artificial pages to display only one question per page. If both the previous and current questions belong to the same page in the survey JSON schema, they have the same parent PageModel instance.
  • options.oldCurrentQuestion: Question
    The current question.
    This parameter has a value only in question-per-page mode.
  • options.newCurrentQuestion: Question
    A question that used to be current.
    This parameter has a value only in question-per-page mode.
  • options.allow: boolean
    A Boolean property that you can set to false if you do not want to switch the current page.
EventBase<SurveyModel, CurrentPageChangingEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
currentPageNo * , nextPage * , prevPage **

An event that is raised when a File Upload question starts to download a file. Use this event to implement file preview when your server stores only file names.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionFileModel | QuestionSignaturePadModel
    A File Upload or Signature Pad question instance for which the event is raised.
  • string
    A File Upload question's name.
  • options.callback: (status: string, data?: any) => any
    A callback function that you should call when a file is downloaded successfully or when deletion fails. Pass "success" or "error" as the first argument to indicate the operation status. As the second argument, you can pass the downloaded file's data as a Base64 string if file download was successful or an error message if file download failed.
  • options.fileValue: any
    The File Upload question's value that contains metadata about uploaded files.
  • options.content: any
    A file identifier (URL, file name, etc.) stored in survey results.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, DownloadFileEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
downloadFile * , onClearFiles * , onUploadFiles

An event that is raised when users drag and drop survey elements while designing the survey in Survey Creator. Use this event to control drag and drop operations.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.draggedElement: IElement
    A survey element being dragged.
  • options.fromElement: IPanel
    A survey element from which draggedElement is being dragged. This parameter is null if draggedElement is being dragged from the Toolbox.
  • options.toElement: IElement
    A survey element to which draggedElement is being dragged.
  • options.insertBefore: IElement
    A survey element before which the target element will be placed. This parameter is null if the parent container (page or panel) has no elements or if the target element will be placed below all other elements within the container.
  • options.insertAfter: IElement
    A survey element after which draggedElement will be placed. This parameter is null if the parent container (page or panel) has no elements or if draggedElement will be placed above all other elements within the container.
  • options.parent: ISurveyElement
    A parent container (page or panel) within which draggedElement will be placed.
  • options.allow: boolean
    A Boolean property that you can set to false if you want to cancel the drag and drop operation.
EventBase<SurveyModel, DragDropAllowEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised after a new panel is added to a Dynamic Panel question.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionPanelDynamicModel
    A Dynamic Panel question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.panel: PanelModel
    A Panel instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.panelIndex: number
    The panel's index within Dynamic Panel.
EventBase<SurveyModel, DynamicPanelModifiedEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised after the current panel is changed in a Dynamic Panel question.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionPanelDynamicModel
    A Dynamic Panel question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.panel: PanelModel
    A panel for which the event is raised.
  • options.visiblePanelIndex: number
    The panel's index in the visiblePanels array of the Dynamic Panel.
EventBase<SurveyModel, DynamicPanelCurrentIndexChangedEvent>
Implemented in:

Obsolete. Use the onDynamicPanelValueChanged event instead.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionPanelDynamicModel
    A Dynamic Panel question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.panelData: { [index: string]: any; }
    The panel's data object that includes all item values.
  • options.panelIndex: number
    The panel's index within Dynamic Panel.
  • string
    The item's name.
  • options.panel: PanelModel
    A panel that nests the item with a changed value.
  • options.value: any
    The item's new value.
EventBase<SurveyModel, DynamicPanelItemValueChangedEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised after a panel is deleted from a Dynamic Panel question.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionPanelDynamicModel
    A Dynamic Panel question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.panel: PanelModel
    A Panel instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.panelIndex: number
    The panel's index within Dynamic Panel.
EventBase<SurveyModel, DynamicPanelModifiedEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised before a panel is deleted from a Dynamic Panel question. Use this event to cancel the deletion.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionPanelDynamicModel
    A Dynamic Panel question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.panel: PanelModel
    A Panel instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.panelIndex: number
    The panel's index within Dynamic Panel.
  • options.allow: boolean
    A Boolean property that you can set to false if you want to cancel panel deletion.
EventBase<SurveyModel, DynamicPanelRemovingEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised after a value is changed in a panel within a Dynamic Panel question.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionPanelDynamicModel
    A Dynamic Panel question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.panelData: { [index: string]: any; }
    The panel's data object that includes all item values.
  • options.panelIndex: number
    The panel's index within Dynamic Panel.
  • string
    The item's name.
  • options.panel: PanelModel
    A panel that nests the item with a changed value.
  • options.value: any
    The item's new value.
EventBase<SurveyModel, DynamicPanelItemValueChangedEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised before a value is changed in a panel within a Dynamic Panel question.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionPanelDynamicModel
    A Dynamic Panel question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.panelData: { [index: string]: any; }
    The panel's data object that includes all item values.
  • options.panelIndex: number
    The panel's index within Dynamic Panel.
  • string
    The item's name.
  • options.panel: PanelModel
    A panel that nests the item with a changed value.
  • options.value: any
    The item's new value.
  • options.oldValue: any
    The item's old value.
EventBase<SurveyModel, DynamicPanelValueChangingEvent>
Implemented in:

Obsolete. Use the onValidateQuestion, onValidatePanel, and onValidatePage events instead.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • string
    A validation error type: "required", "requireoneanswer", "requirenumeric", "exceedsize", "webrequest", "webrequestempty", "otherempty", "uploadingfile", "requiredinallrowserror", "minrowcounterror", "keyduplicationerror", or "custom"
  • options.obj: Question | PanelModel | SurveyModel
    A survey element to which the validation error belongs.
  • options.error: SurveyError
    A validation error.
  • options.text: string
    An error message. You can assign a custom message to this parameter.
EventBase<SurveyModel, ErrorCustomTextEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised when an element within a panel gets focus.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.panel: PanelModel
    A Panel instance for which the event is raised.
EventBase<SurveyModel, FocusInPanelEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
onFocusInQuestion * , autoFocusFirstQuestion * , focusQuestion

An event that is raised when an element (input field, checkbox, radio button) within a question gets focus.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
EventBase<SurveyModel, FocusInQuestionEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
onFocusInPanel * , autoFocusFirstQuestion * , focusQuestion

Use this event to load a display text for the default choice item in Dropdown and Tag Box questions.

If you load choices from a server (use choicesByUrl or onChoicesLazyLoad), display texts become available only when data is loaded, which does not happen until a user opens the drop-down menu. However, a display text for a default choice item is required before that. In this case, you can load data individually for the default item within the onGetChoiceDisplayValue event handler.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.setItems: (displayValues: string[], ...customValues: IValueItemCustomPropValues[]) => void
    A method that you should call to assign display texts to the question.
  • options.values: any[]
    An array of one (in Dropdown) or more (in Tag Box) default values.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, GetChoiceDisplayValueEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised before a Dynamic Panel renders tab titles. Use this event to change individual tab titles.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionPanelDynamicModel
    A Dynamic Panel question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.panel: PanelModel
    A panel for which the event is raised.
  • options.visiblePanelIndex: number
    The panel's index in the visiblePanels array of the Dynamic Panel.
  • options.title: string
    A tab title. You can change this parameter's value.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, DynamicPanelGetTabTitleEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised before an Expression question displays a value. Use this event to override the display value.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.displayValue: any
    A question's display text. You can assign a custom value to this parameter.
  • options.value: any
    An expression value.
EventBase<SurveyModel, GetExpressionDisplayValueEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that allows you to add, delete, or modify actions in rows of a Dynamic Matrix.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.actions: IAction[]
    An array of actions. You can modify the entire array or individual actions within it.
  • options.row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase
    A matrix row for which the event is raised.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, GetMatrixRowActionsEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised before the survey calculates a page number. Handle this event to modify page numbers.

This event is raised only if the showPageNumbers property is enabled.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • PageModel
    A Page instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.number: string
    A page number. Note that this is a string value that contains not only the number itself but also the characters that separate the number from the page title: "1. ", "2. ", etc. You can change this parameter's value.
EventBase<SurveyModel, GetPageNumberEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
onGetQuestionTitle * , questionStartIndex

An event that allows you to add, delete, or modify actions in a page title.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • PageModel
    A Page instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.actions: IAction[]
    An array of actions associated with the processed element.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, GetPageTitleActionsEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that allows you to add, delete, or modify actions in the footer of a Panel. This panel may belong to a Dynamic Panel or be a standalone survey element.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.actions: IAction[]
    An array of actions. You can modify the entire array or individual actions within it.
  • options.panel: PanelModel
    A Panel instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.question: QuestionPanelDynamicModel
    A Dynamic Panel to which the Panel belongs. This field is undefined if the Panel does not belong to any Dynamic Panel.
EventBase<SurveyModel, GetPanelFooterActionsEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised before the survey calculates a panel number. Handle this event to modify panel numbers.

This event is raised only for the panels with a specified title and visible number.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.panel: PanelModel
    A Panel instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.number: string
    A panel number. Note that this is a string value that contains not only the number itself but also the characters that separate the number from the panel title: "1. ", "2. ", etc. You can change this parameter's value.
EventBase<SurveyModel, GetPanelNumberEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that allows you to add, delete, or modify actions in a panel title.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.panel: PanelModel
    A Panel instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.actions: IAction[]
    An array of actions associated with the processed element.
EventBase<SurveyModel, GetPanelTitleActionsEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised before the survey displays progress text. Handle this event to change the progress text in code.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.questionCount: number
    The number of questions with input fields. Image, HTML, and Expression questions are not counted.
  • options.answeredQuestionCount: number
    The number of answered questions.
  • options.requiredQuestionCount: number
    The number of questions marked as required.
  • options.requiredAnsweredQuestionCount: number
    The number of answered questions marked as required.
  • options.text: string
    Progress text rendered in the progress bar. You can change this parameter's value.
EventBase<SurveyModel, GetProgressTextEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
showProgressBar * , progressBarLocation * , progressBarType

Use this event to change a question's display text.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.displayValue: any
    A question's display text. You can assign a custom value to this parameter.
EventBase<SurveyModel, GetQuestionDisplayValueEvent>
Implemented in:

Obsolete. Use the onGetQuestionNumber event instead.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.number: string
    A question number that is calculated based upon the question's visibleIndex and survey's questionStartIndex properties. You can change this parameter's value.
EventBase<SurveyModel, GetQuestionNumberEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised before the survey calculates a question number. Handle this event to modify question numbers.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.number: string
    A question number that is calculated based upon the question's visibleIndex and survey's questionStartIndex properties. You can change this parameter's value.

If you want to hide question numbers, disable the showQuestionNumbers property.

EventBase<SurveyModel, GetQuestionNumberEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
onGetQuestionTitle * , questionStartIndex

An event that is raised before the survey displays a question title. Handle this event to modify question titles.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.title: string
    A question title taken from the question's title or name property. You can change this parameter's value.

If you want to modify question numbers, handle the onGetQuestionNumber event.

EventBase<SurveyModel, GetQuestionTitleEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that allows you to add, delete, or modify actions in a question title.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.actions: IAction[]
    An array of actions associated with the processed element.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, GetQuestionTitleActionsEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
onGetResult event

Obsolete. Self-hosted Form Library no longer supports integration with SurveyJS Demo Service.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.

  • options.response: any
    A server response.

  • options.success: boolean
    A Boolean value that indicates whether survey results have been retrieved successfully.

  • any
    An object with the following structure:

      AnswersCount: Number, // A total number of posted answers to the question
      QuestionResult: Object // All unique answers to the question and their number
  • options.dataList: any[]
    An array of objects with the following structure:

      name: String, // A unique answer to the question
      value: Number // The number of user responses with this answer
EventBase<SurveyModel, GetResultEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised when the survey applies HTML tags to a survey, page, panel, and question title. Handle this event to change the HTML tag of individual titles.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.element: Base
    A survey element (question, panel, page, or the survey itself) for which the event is raised.
  • options.tagName: string
    A heading used to render the title ("h1"-"h6"). You can change this parameter's value.

If you want to specify HTML tags for all titles, use the titleTags object in global settings.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, GetTitleTagNameEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
onGetQuestionTitle * , onGetQuestionNumber

Obsolete. Use the onCheckAnswerCorrect event instead.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.result: boolean
    A Boolean property that specifies whether the answer is correct (true) or incorrect (false). Use the options.question.value and options.question.correctAnswer properties to check the answer.
EventBase<SurveyModel, IsAnswerCorrectEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised when an ItemValue property is changed.


  • sender: this
    A SurveyJS object whose property contains an array of ItemValue objects.
  • options.obj: ItemValue
    An ItemValue object.
  • options.propertyName: string
    The name of the property to which an array of ItemValue objects is assigned (for example, "choices" or "rows").
  • "text" | "value"
    The name of the changed property.
  • options.newValue: any
    A new value for the property.
Event<(sender: Base, options: any) => any, Base, any>
Implemented in:

Obsolete. Use the onChoicesLoaded event instead.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.serverResult: any
    A query result as it came from the server.
  • options.choices: ItemValue[]
    An array of loaded choices. You can modify this array.
EventBase<SurveyModel, LoadChoicesFromServerEvent>
Implemented in:

Obsolete. Self-hosted Form Library no longer supports integration with SurveyJS Demo Service.

EventBase<SurveyModel, {}>
Implemented in:

Obsolete. Use the onAfterRenderMatrixCell event instead.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.htmlElement: any
    A rendered HTML element.
  • options.cell: MatrixDropdownCell
    A matrix cell for which the event is raised.
  • options.cellQuestion: Question
    A Question instance within the matrix cell.
  • options.row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase
    A matrix row to which the cell belongs.
  • options.column: MatrixDropdownColumn | MatrixDropdownCell
    A matrix column to which the cell belongs.
EventBase<SurveyModel, MatrixAfterCellRenderEvent>
Implemented in:

Obsolete. Use the onMatrixRenderRemoveButton event instead.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionMatrixDynamicModel
    A Dynamic Matrix question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase
    A matrix row for which the event is raised.
  • options.rowIndex: number
    A zero-based row index.
  • options.allow: boolean
    A Boolean property that you can set to false if you want to hide the Remove button for this row.
EventBase<SurveyModel, MatrixAllowRemoveRowEvent>
Implemented in:

Obsolete. Use the onMatrixRowAdding event instead.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionMatrixDynamicModel
    A Dynamic Matrix question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.allow: boolean
    A Boolean property that you can set to false if you do not want to add the row.
EventBase<SurveyModel, MatrixBeforeRowAddedEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised after a cell in a Multi-Select Matrix or Dynamic Matrix is created.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionMatrixDropdownModelBase
    A Multi-Select Matrix question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.column: MatrixDropdownColumn
    A matrix column to which the cell belongs.
  • options.columnName: string
    The name of the matrix column to which the cell belongs.
  • options.row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase
    A matrix row to which the cell belongs.
  • options.rowValue: any
    The values of this matrix row.
    To access a particular column's value, use the following code: options.rowValue["columnName"]
  • options.cell: MatrixDropdownCell
    A matrix cell for which the event is raised.
  • options.cellQuestion: Question
    A Question instance within the matrix cell. You can use the properties and methods exposed by the instance to customize it.
EventBase<SurveyModel, MatrixCellCreatedEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised before a cell in a Multi-Select Matrix or Dynamic Matrix is created. Use this event to change the type of individual matrix cells.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionMatrixDropdownModelBase
    A Multi-Select Matrix question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.column: MatrixDropdownColumn
    A matrix column to which the cell belongs.
  • options.columnName: string
    The name of the matrix column to which the cell belongs.
  • options.row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase
    A matrix row to which the cell belongs.
  • options.rowValue: any
    The values of this matrix row.
    To access a particular column's value, use the following code: options.rowValue["columnName"]
  • options.cellType: string
    The type of this matrix cell. You can change this property value to one of the values described in the cellType documentation.
EventBase<SurveyModel, MatrixCellCreatingEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised for Multi-Select Matrix and Dynamic Matrix questions when they validate a cell value. Use this event to display a custom error message based on a condition.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionMatrixDropdownModelBase
    A Multi-Select Matrix question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase
    A matrix row to which the cell belongs.
  • options.column: MatrixDropdownColumn
    A matrix column to which the cell belongs.
  • options.columnName: string
    The name of a matrix column to which the cell belongs.
  • options.cellQuestion: Question
    A Question instance within the matrix cell. You can use the properties and methods exposed by the instance to customize it.
  • options.getCellQuestion: (columnName: string) => Question
    A method that returns a Question instance within the matrix cell given a column name.
  • options.value: any
    A new cell value.
  • options.error: string
    A field for your custom error message. Default value: undefined.
EventBase<SurveyModel, MatrixCellValidateEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised after a cell value is changed in a Multi-Select Matrix or Dynamic Matrix.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionMatrixDropdownModelBase
    A Multi-Select Matrix question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase
    A matrix row to which the cell belongs.
  • options.column: MatrixDropdownColumn
    A matrix column to which the cell belongs.
  • options.columnName: string
    The name of a matrix column to which the cell belongs.
  • options.cellQuestion: Question
    A Question instance within the matrix cell. You can use the properties and methods exposed by the instance to customize it.
  • options.getCellQuestion: (columnName: string) => Question
    A method that returns a Question instance within the matrix cell given a column name.
  • options.value: any
    A new cell value.
EventBase<SurveyModel, MatrixCellValueChangedEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised before a cell value is changed in a Multi-Select Matrix or Dynamic Matrix. Use this event to change the cell value.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionMatrixDropdownModelBase
    A Multi-Select Matrix question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase
    A matrix row to which the cell belongs.
  • options.column: MatrixDropdownColumn
    A matrix column to which the cell belongs.
  • options.columnName: string
    The name of a matrix column to which the cell belongs.
  • options.cellQuestion: Question
    A Question instance within the matrix cell. You can use the properties and methods exposed by the instance to customize it.
  • options.getCellQuestion: (columnName: string) => Question
    A method that returns a Question instance within the matrix cell given a column name.
  • options.value: any
    A new cell value.
  • options.oldValue: any
    A previous cell value.
EventBase<SurveyModel, MatrixCellValueChangingEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised after a new column is added to a Multi-Select Matrix or Dynamic Matrix.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.column: any
    An added matrix column.
EventBase<SurveyModel, MatrixColumnAddedEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised after the visibility of an expandable detail section is changed. This event can be raised for Multi-Select and Dynamic Matrix questions.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionMatrixDropdownModelBase
    A Multi-Select Matrix question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase
    A matrix row to which the detail section belongs.
  • options.rowIndex: number
    A zero-based row index.
  • options.detailPanel: PanelModel
    A PanelModel that represents the detail section.
  • options.visible: boolean
    Indicates whether the detail section is visible now.
EventBase<SurveyModel, MatrixDetailPanelVisibleChangedEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised before rendering the Remove button in a row of a Dynamic Matrix. Use this event to hide the Remove button for individual matrix rows.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionMatrixDynamicModel
    A Dynamic Matrix question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase
    A matrix row for which the event is raised.
  • options.rowIndex: number
    A zero-based row index.
  • options.allow: boolean
    A Boolean property that you can set to false if you want to hide the Remove button for this row.
EventBase<SurveyModel, MatrixAllowRemoveRowEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
onMatrixRowRemoving * , onMatrixRowRemoved

An event that is raised after a new row is added to a Dynamic Matrix.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionMatrixDynamicModel
    A Dynamic Matrix question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase
    An added matrix row.
EventBase<SurveyModel, MatrixRowAddedEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised before a new row is added to a Dynamic Matrix.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionMatrixDynamicModel
    A Dynamic Matrix question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.allow: boolean
    A Boolean property that you can set to false if you do not want to add the row.
EventBase<SurveyModel, MatrixBeforeRowAddedEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised after a row is deleted from a Dynamic Matrix.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionMatrixDynamicModel
    A Dynamic Matrix question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase
    A deleted matrix row.
  • options.rowIndex: number
    A zero-based index of the deleted row.
EventBase<SurveyModel, MatrixRowRemovedEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised before a row is deleted from a Dynamic Matrix. You can cancel row deletion and clear row data instead.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionMatrixDynamicModel
    A Dynamic Matrix question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase
    A matrix row to be deleted. If you want to clear row data, set the options.row.value property to undefined.
  • options.rowIndex: number
    A zero-based index of the matrix row to be deleted.
  • options.allow: boolean
    A Boolean property that you can set to false if you want to cancel row deletion.
EventBase<SurveyModel, MatrixRowRemovingEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised on adding a new item in Multiple Text question.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.item: any
    A new added item.
EventBase<SurveyModel, MultipleTextItemAddedEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised before the survey navigates to a specified URL. Use this event to change the URL or cancel the navigation.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.allow: boolean
    A Boolean property that you can set to false if you want to cancel the navigation and show the complete page.
  • options.url: string
    A URL to which respondents should be navigated. You can modify this parameter's value.
EventBase<SurveyModel, NavigateToUrlEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
navigateToUrl * , navigateToUrlOnCondition

An event that is raised when users open a drop-down menu.

This event can be raised for Single- and Multi-Select Dropdown questions, Rating Scale questions rendered as drop-down menus, and Multi-Select Matrix questions that contain columns of the "dropdown" or "tagbox" cellType. Handle this event to change the drop-down menu type for specific questions or device types.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A question for which the event is raised.
  • options.deviceType: "mobile" | "tablet" | "desktop"
    A device type.
  • options.hasTouchScreen: boolean
    A Boolean value that indicates whether the current device supports touch gestures.
  • options.screenHeight: number
    The height of the device screen in pixels.
  • options.screenWidth: number
    The width of the device screen in pixels.
  • options.menuType: "popup" | "dropdown" | "overlay"
    A menu type to use for the question: a classic dropdown, a pop-up dialog, or an overlay window. You can modify this parameter's value.
EventBase<SurveyModel, OpenDropdownMenuEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised when a respondent opens a dialog window to select files.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.input: any
    A file input HTML element.
  • options.element: Base
    A question for which this event is raised.
  • options.elementType: String
    The type of the element passed as the options.element parameter.
    Possible values: any value returned from the getType() method.
  • options.propertyName: String
    The name of the survey element property for which files are being selected.
  • options.item: ItemValue
    A choice item for which the event is raised. This parameter has a value only when the dialog window is opened to select images for an Image Picker question.
  • options.callback: (files: any[]) => void
    A callback function to which you should pass selected files.
EventBase<SurveyModel, OpenFileChooserEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
onPageAdded event

An event that is raised when a new page is added to the survey.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • PageModel
    A Page instance for which the event is raised.
EventBase<SurveyModel, PageAddedEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised after page visibility is changed.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.visible: boolean
    Indicates whether the element is visible now.
  • PageModel
    A Page instance for which the event is raised.

Refer to the following help topic for information on how to implement conditional visibility: Conditional Visibility.

EventBase<SurveyModel, PageVisibleChangedEvent>
Implemented in:
onPanelAdded event

An event that is raised when a new panel is added to a page.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.panel: PanelModel
    A Panel instance for which the event is raised.
  • PanelModelBase
    A page that nests the added element.
  • options.parent: PanelModelBase
    The parent container (panel or page).
  • options.index: number
    The element's index within the parent container (panel or page).
  • string
    The question's name.
EventBase<SurveyModel, PanelAddedEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised after a panel is deleted from the survey.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.panel: PanelModel
    A Panel instance for which the event is raised.
  • string
    The element's name.
EventBase<SurveyModel, PanelRemovedEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised after panel visibility is changed.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.visible: boolean
    Indicates whether the element is visible now.
  • options.panel: PanelModel
    A Panel instance for which the event is raised.

Refer to the following help topic for information on how to implement conditional visibility: Conditional Visibility.

EventBase<SurveyModel, PanelVisibleChangedEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised to save incomplete survey results. Enable the partialSendEnabled property for this event to occur.

For information on event handler parameters, refer to descriptions within the interface.

Alternatively, you can handle the onCurrentPageChanged and onValueChanged events, as shown in the following demo: Continue an Incomplete Survey.

EventBase<SurveyModel, {}>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised after the visibility of a popup is changed.

This event can be raised for Single- and Multi-Select Dropdown questions and Rating Scale questions rendered as drop-down menus, and Multi-Select Matrix questions that contain columns of the "dropdown" or "tagbox" cellType.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.popup: PopupModel<any>
    An object that describes the popup.
  • options.visible: boolean
    Indicates whether the popup is visible now.
EventBase<SurveyModel, PopupVisibleChangedEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised when the survey processes dynamic texts and any text in curly brackets. Use this event, for instance, to substitute parameters in a RESTful URL with real values when you load choices by URL.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • string
    The name of the value being processed (the text in curly brackets).
  • options.value: any
    The value being processed. You can change this parameter's value.
EventBase<SurveyModel, ProcessDynamicTextEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised when the survey processes HTML content. Handle this event to modify HTML content before displaying.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.html: string
    HTML markup. You can modify this parameter's value.
  • options.reason: string
    Indicates a page, question, or message for which HTML content is intended: "completed" | "completed-before" | "loading" | "html-question".
EventBase<SurveyModel, ProcessHtmlEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
completedHtml * , loadingHtml * , QuestionHtmlModel.html

Obsolete. Use the onProcessDynamicText event instead.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • string
    The name of the value being processed (the text in curly brackets).
  • options.value: any
    The value being processed. You can change this parameter's value.
EventBase<SurveyModel, ProcessTextValueEvent>
Implemented in:

Obsolete. Use the onGetProgressText event instead.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.questionCount: number
    The number of questions with input fields. Image, HTML, and Expression questions are not counted.
  • options.answeredQuestionCount: number
    The number of answered questions.
  • options.requiredQuestionCount: number
    The number of questions marked as required.
  • options.requiredAnsweredQuestionCount: number
    The number of answered questions marked as required.
  • options.text: string
    Progress text rendered in the progress bar. You can change this parameter's value.
EventBase<SurveyModel, ProgressTextEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised when a property of this SurveyJS object has changed.


  • sender: this
    A SurveyJS object whose property has changed.
  • string
    The name of the changed property.
  • options.newValue: any
    A new value for the property.
  • options.oldValue: any
    An old value of the property. If the property is an array, oldValue contains the same array as newValue does.

If you need to add and remove property change event handlers dynamically, use the registerPropertyChangedHandlers and unregisterPropertyChangedHandlers methods instead.

EventBase<Base, any>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised when a new question is added to a panel or page.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • PanelModelBase
    A page that nests the added element.
  • options.parent: PanelModelBase
    The parent container (panel or page).
  • options.index: number
    The element's index within the parent container (panel or page).
  • string
    The question's name.

To use this event for questions loaded from JSON, create an empty survey model, add an event handler, and only then populate the model from the JSON object:

import { Model } from "survey-core";

const surveyJson = {
   // ...
// Create an empty model
const survey = new Model();
// Add an event handler
survey.onQuestionAdded.add((sender, options) => {
// Load the survey JSON schema
EventBase<SurveyModel, QuestionAddedEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised when the survey creates any new object derived from Question.

In a survey, complex elements (Dynamic Matrix, Multiple Text, and Dynamic Panel) are composed of questions. Use this event to customize any question regardless of which survey element it belongs to.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.

To use this event for questions loaded from JSON, create an empty survey model, add an event handler, and only then populate the model from the JSON object:

import { Model } from "survey-core";

const surveyJson = {
   // ...
// Create an empty model
const survey = new Model();
// Add an event handler
survey.onQuestionCreated.add((sender, options) => {
// Load the survey JSON schema
EventBase<SurveyModel, QuestionCreatedEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised after a question is deleted from the survey.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • string
    The element's name.
EventBase<SurveyModel, QuestionRemovedEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised after question visibility is changed.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.visible: boolean
    Indicates whether the element is visible now.
  • string
    The question's name.

Refer to the following help topic for information on how to implement conditional visibility: Conditional Visibility.

EventBase<SurveyModel, QuestionVisibleChangedEvent>
Implemented in:
onResize event

An event that is raised when the survey's width or height is changed.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.width: number
    The current survey width in pixels.
  • options.height: number
    The current survey height in pixels.
EventBase<SurveyModel, ResizeEvent>
Implemented in:

Obsolete. Use the onScrollToTop event instead.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.element: ISurveyElement
    A survey element that will be scrolled to the top.
  • options.elementId: string
    A unique element ID within the DOM.
EventBase<SurveyModel, ScrollingElementToTopEvent>
Implemented in:

An event this is raised before a survey element (usually page) is scrolled to the top. Use this event to cancel the scroll operation.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.element: ISurveyElement
    A survey element that will be scrolled to the top.
  • options.elementId: string
    A unique element ID within the DOM.
  • options.allow: boolean
    A Boolean property that you can set to false if you want to cancel the scroll operation.
EventBase<SurveyModel, ScrollToTopEvent>
Implemented in:
onSendResult event

Obsolete. Self-hosted Form Library no longer supports integration with SurveyJS Demo Service.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.response: any
    A server response.
  • options.success: boolean
    A Boolean value that indicates whether survey results have been saved successfully.
EventBase<SurveyModel, SendResultEvent>
Implemented in:

Use this event to validate data on your server.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.complete: () => void
    A method that you should call when a request to the server has completed.
  • options.errors: { [index: string]: any; }
    An object for your error messages. Set error messages as follows: options.errors["questionName"] = "My error message".
  • { [index: string]: any; }
    Question values. You can get an individual question value as follows:["questionName"].

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, ServerValidateQuestionsEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
onValidateQuestion * , onValidatePanel * , isValidatingOnServer

Obsolete. Use the onValidateQuestion property instead.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.errors: SurveyError[]
    An array of errors. The array is empty if the validated question satisfies all validation rules.
EventBase<SurveyModel, SettingQuestionErrorsEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised before a choice item is displayed. Use this event to change the visibility of individual choice items in Checkboxes, Dropdown, Radio Button Group, and other similar question types.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.item: ItemValue
    A choice item.
  • options.visible: boolean
    A Boolean value that specifies item visibility. Set it to false to hide the item.
EventBase<SurveyModel, ShowingChoiceItemEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised before the survey displays a preview of given answers. Use this event to cancel the preview.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.allow: boolean
    A Boolean property that you can set to false if you want to cancel the preview.
EventBase<SurveyModel, ShowingPreviewEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
showPreviewBeforeComplete * , previewMode * , showPreview * , cancelPreview
onStarted event

An event that is raised when the survey state changes to "running".

EventBase<SurveyModel, {}>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised to convert Markdown content to HTML.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.element: Question | PanelModel | PageModel | SurveyModel
    A survey element (question, panel, page, or survey) for which the event is raised.
  • string
    The name of the property that contains the text to process.
  • options.item: ItemValue
    A choice item for which the event is raised. This parameter has a value only when options.element is a choice-based question, such as Dropdown or Checkboxes.
  • options.text: string
    A string with Markdown content. Convert this content to HTML and assign the result to the options.html parameter.
  • options.html: string
    A property to which you should assign HTML content.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, TextMarkdownEvent>
Implemented in:
onTimer event

Obsolete. Use the onTimerTick event instead.

EventBase<SurveyModel, {}>
Implemented in:
onTimerTick event

An event that is raised every second while the timer is running.

Use the timeSpent property to find out how many seconds have elapsed.

EventBase<SurveyModel, {}>
Implemented in:
See also:
timeLimit * , timeLimitPerPage * , showTimer * , timerLocation * , startTimer

An event that is raised after a trigger is executed.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.trigger: Trigger
    A trigger that has been executed.

Conditional Survey Logic (Triggers)

EventBase<SurveyModel, TriggerExecutedEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
triggers * , runTriggers

An event that is raised before rendering a choice item in Radio Button Group and Checkboxes questions. Use it to override default CSS classes applied to choice items.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.item: ItemValue
    A choice item. To access its value and display text, use the options.item.value and options.item.text properties.
  • options.css: string
    A string with CSS classes applied to the choice item. The CSS classes are separated by a space character. You can modify this string to apply custom CSS classes.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, UpdateChoiceItemCssEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised before rendering a page. Use it to override default page CSS classes.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • PageModel
    A Page instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.cssClasses: any
    An object with CSS classes applied to the element being rendered, for example, { root: "class1", button: "class2" }. You can modify this object to apply custom CSS classes.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, UpdatePageCssClassesEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised before rendering a standalone panel and panels within Dynamic Panel. Use it to override default panel CSS classes.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.panel: PanelModel
    A Panel instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.cssClasses: any
    An object with CSS classes applied to the element being rendered, for example, { root: "class1", button: "class2" }. You can modify this object to apply custom CSS classes.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, UpdatePanelCssClassesEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised before rendering a question. Use it to override default question CSS classes.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.cssClasses: any
    An object with CSS classes applied to the element being rendered, for example, { root: "class1", button: "class2" }. You can modify this object to apply custom CSS classes.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, UpdateQuestionCssClassesEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised when a File Upload or Signature Pad question starts to upload a file. Applies only if storeDataAsText is false. Use this event to upload files to your server.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: QuestionFileModel | QuestionSignaturePadModel
    A File Upload or Signature Pad question instance for which the event is raised.
  • string
    A File Upload question's name.
  • options.callback: (data: any, errors?: any) => any
    A callback function that you should call when a file is uploaded successfully or when file upload fails. Pass an array of successfully uploaded files as the first argument. As the second argument, you can pass an array of error messages if file upload failed.
  • options.files: any[]
    An array of JavaScript File objects that represent files to upload.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, UploadFilesEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
uploadFiles * , onDownloadFile * , onClearFiles

Obsolete. Use the onValidatePage event instead.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • PageModel
    A Page instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.questions: Question[]
    An array of questions with validation errors.
  • options.errors: SurveyError[]
    An array of validation errors.
EventBase<SurveyModel, ValidatedErrorsOnCurrentPageEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised when a survey page is being validated. Use this event to add/remove/modify errors.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • PageModel
    A Page instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.questions: Question[]
    An array of questions with validation errors.
  • options.errors: SurveyError[]
    An array of validation errors.
EventBase<SurveyModel, ValidatePageEvent>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised when a panel is being validated. Use this event to add/remove/modify errors or specify a custom error message.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.panel: PanelModel
    A Panel instance for which the event is raised.
  • string
    The panel's name.
  • options.error: string
    An error message that you should specify if custom validation fails.
  • options.errors: SurveyError[]
    An array of other validation errors that you can modify.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, ValidatePanelEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
onValidateQuestion * , onServerValidateQuestions

An event that is raised when a question value is being validated. Use this event to add/remove/modify errors or specify a custom error message.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • options.value: any
    A question value being validated.
  • string
    The question's name.
  • options.error: string
    An error message that you should specify if custom validation fails.
  • options.errors: SurveyError[]
    An array of other validation errors that you can modify. The array is empty if the validated question satisfies all validation rules.

View Demo

EventBase<SurveyModel, ValidateQuestionEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
onServerValidateQuestions * , onValidatePanel * , onMatrixCellValidate * , onSettingQuestionErrors

An event that is raised after a question value is changed.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • string
    The name of the question whose value is being changed. If you use the valueName property, this parameter contains its value.
  • options.reason: "trigger" | "expression"
    A value that indicates what caused the value change: an expression evaluation or a run of a trigger. If the value is changed for other reasons, this parameter is undefined.
  • options.value: any
    A new value.

To handle value changes in matrix cells or panels within a Dynamic Panel, use the onMatrixCellValueChanged or onDynamicPanelValueChanged event.

EventBase<SurveyModel, ValueChangedEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised before a question value is changed.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.question: Question
    A Question instance for which the event is raised.
  • string
    The name of the question whose value is being changed. If you use the valueName property, this parameter contains its value.
  • options.reason: "trigger" | "expression"
    A value that indicates what caused the value change: an expression evaluation or a run of a trigger. If the value is changed for other reasons, this parameter is undefined.
  • options.value: any
    A new value. You can change it if required.
  • options.oldValue: any
    A previous value.
EventBase<SurveyModel, ValueChangingEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised after a variable or calculated value is changed.


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that raised the event.
  • options.value: any
    A new value for the variable or calculated value.
  • string
    The name of the variable or calculated value that has been changed.
EventBase<SurveyModel, VariableChangedEvent>
Implemented in:
See also:
setVariable * , calculatedValues
pageCount property

Returns a total number of survey pages.

To get the number of visible pages, use the visiblePageCount property.

number readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
pageNextText property

Gets or sets a caption for the Next button.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
Localization & Globalization
pagePrevText property

Gets or sets a caption for the Previous button.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
Localization & Globalization
pages property

Returns an array of all pages in the survey.

To get an array of only visible pages, use the visiblePages array.

PageModel[] readonly

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:

Specifies whether to save survey results when respondents switch between pages. Handle the onPartialSend event to implement the save operation.

Alternatively, you can handle the onCurrentPageChanged and onValueChanged events, as shown in the following demo: Continue an Incomplete Survey.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
previewMode property

Specifies whether the preview of given answers includes all or only answered questions.

Possible values:

  • "allQuestions" (default)
  • "answeredQuestions"

View Demo

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
allQuestions , answeredQuestions
Implemented in:
previewText property

Gets or sets a caption for the Preview button.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
showPreviewBeforeComplete * , showPreview * , editText
prevPage method

Switches the survey to the previous page.

This method returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the page was successfully switched. false is returned if the current page is the first page.

() => boolean
Return Value:

true if the page was successfully switched; false otherwise.

Implemented in:
See also:
isFirstPage * , nextPage

Returns HTML content displayed to a user who has completed the survey before. To identify such users, the survey uses a cookie name or client ID.

To specify HTML content, use the completedBeforeHtml property.

string readonly
Implemented in:

Returns HTML content displayed on the complete page.

To specify HTML content, use the completedHtml property.

string readonly
Implemented in:

Returns HTML content displayed while a survey JSON schema is being loaded.

To specify HTML content, use the loadingHtml property.

string readonly
Implemented in:

Specifies whether the progress bar spans the width of the survey or that of the survey container. Applies only when the progress bar is visible and progressBarType is "pages".

Possible values:

  • "survey"
    The progress bar width is the same as the survey width.
  • "container" (default)
    The progress bar width is the same as the survey container width.
"survey" | "container" readonly

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
container , survey
Implemented in:
See also:
progressBarShowPageTitles * , progressBarShowPageNumbers

Specifies the alignment of the progress bar. Applies only if the showProgressBar property is true.

Possible values:

  • "aboveHeader" - Displays the progress bar above the survey header.
  • "belowHeader" - Displays the progress bar below the survey header.
  • "bottom" - Displays the progress bar below survey content.
  • "topBottom" - Displays the progress bar above and below survey content.
  • "auto" (default) - Displays the progress bar below the survey header if the header has a background image or color. Otherwise, the progress bar is displayed above the header.

View Demo

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
auto , aboveheader , belowheader , bottom , topbottom
Implemented in:
See also:
showProgressBar * , progressBarType * , progressValue

Specifies whether the progress bar displays page numbers. Applies only when the progress bar is visible and progressBarType is "pages".

Default value: false

boolean readonly

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
progressBarShowPageTitles * , progressBarInheritWidthFrom

Specifies whether the progress bar displays page titles. Applies only when the progress bar is visible and progressBarType is "pages".

Default value: false

boolean readonly

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
progressBarShowPageNumbers * , progressBarInheritWidthFrom
progressBarType property

Specifies the type of information displayed by the progress bar. Applies only when showProgressBar is true.

Possible values:

  • "pages" (default) - The number of completed pages.
  • "questions" - The number of answered questions.
  • "requiredQuestions" - The number of answered required questions.
  • "correctQuestions" - The number of correct questions in a quiz.
  • "buttons" - (Obsolete) Use the "pages" property value with the progressBarShowPageTitles property set to true instead.

When progressBarType is set to "pages", you can also enable the progressBarShowPageNumbers and progressBarShowPageTitles properties if you want to display page numbers and titles in the progress bar.

View Demo

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
pages , questions , requiredQuestions , correctQuestions
Implemented in:
See also:
progressText property

Returns text displayed by the progress bar (for instance, "Page 2 of 3" or "Answered 3/8 questions"). Handle the onGetProgressText event to change this text.

string readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
progressValue * , showProgressBar * , progressBarType
progressValue property

Returns a percentage value that indicates user progress in the survey.

number readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
showProgressBar * , progressBarType * , progressText

Specifies where to display question descriptions.

Possible values:

  • "underTitle" (default) - Displays descriptions under question titles.
  • "underInput" - Displays descriptions under the interactive area.

You can override this setting for individual questions if you specify their descriptionLocation property.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
underInput , underTitle
Implemented in:

Specifies the error message position.

Possible values:

  • "top" (default) - Displays error messages above questions.
  • "bottom" - Displays error messages below questions.

You can override this setting if you specify the questionErrorLocation property for an individual page or panel or set the errorLocation property for a specific question.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
top , bottom
Implemented in:
questionOrder property

Specifies the sort order of questions in the survey.

Possible values:

  • "initial" (default) - Preserves the original order of questions.
  • "random" - Displays questions in random order.

You can override this property for individual pages and panels.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
initial , random
Implemented in:
See also:
PageModel.questionOrder * , PanelModel.questionOrder

Specifies how to distribute survey elements between pages.

Possible values:

  • "singlePage" - Combines all survey pages into a single page.
  • "questionPerPage" - Displays each question on a separate page.
  • "standard" (default) - Retains the original structure specified in the JSON schema.
string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
standard , singlePage , questionPerPage
Implemented in:
questionsOrder property

Obsolete. Use the questionOrder property instead.

string writable
Implemented in:

Specifies the initial number or letter from which to start question numbering.

Question Numbers

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:

Gets or sets question title location relative to the input field: "top", "bottom", or "left".

Certain question types (Matrix, Multiple Text) do not support the "left" value. For them, the "top" value is used.

You can override this setting if you specify the questionTitleLocation property for an individual page or panel or set the titleLocation property for a specific question.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
top , bottom , left
Implemented in:

Specifies a pattern for question titles.

Refer to the following help topic for more information: Title Pattern.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
readOnly property

Enables the read-only mode. If you set this property to true, users cannot take the survey.

Default value: false

View Demo

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:

Registers a single value change handler for one or multiple properties.

The registerPropertyChangedHandlers and unregisterPropertyChangedHandlers methods allow you to manage property change event handlers dynamically. If you only need to attach an event handler without removing it afterwards, you can use the onPropertyChanged event instead.

(propertyNames: string[], handler: any, key?: string) => void
propertyNames, type: string[] ,

An array of one or multiple property names.

handler, type: any ,

A function to call when one of the listed properties change. Accepts a new property value as an argument.

key, type: string ,

(Optional) A key that identifies the current registration. If a function for one of the properties is already registered with the same key, the function will be overwritten. You can also use the key to subsequently unregister handlers.

Implemented in:
See also:
removePage method

Removes a page from the survey.

Pass a PageModel object to this method. You can get this object in different ways. For example, you can call the getPageByName() method to obtain a PageModel object with a specific name or use the currentPage property to access and delete the current page, as shown in the code below.

// Delete the current page
(page: PageModel) => void
page, type: PageModel ,

A page to remove.

Implemented in:
See also:
requiredMark property

Specifies one or multiple characters that designate required questions.

Default value: *

View Demo

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
requiredText property

Obsolete. Use the requiredMark property instead.

string writable
Implemented in:
runCondition method

Calculates a given expression and returns true or false.

(expression: string) => boolean
expression, type: string ,

An expression to calculate.

Implemented in:
runExpression method

Calculates a given expression and returns a result value.

(expression: string, callback?: (res: any) => void) => any
expression, type: string ,

An expression to calculate.

callback, type: (res: any) => void ,

A callback function that you can use to access the calculation result if the expression uses asynchronous functions.

Implemented in:

Recalculates all expressions in the survey.

() => void
Implemented in:
runTriggers method

Executes all triggers, except "complete".

Conditional Survey Logic (Triggers)

() => void
Implemented in:
See also:
sendResult method

Obsolete. Self-hosted Form Library no longer supports integration with SurveyJS Demo Service.

(postId?: string, clientId?: string, isPartial?: boolean) => void
postId, type: string
clientId, type: string
isPartial, type: boolean
Implemented in:

Obsolete. Use the partialSend property instead.

boolean writable
Implemented in:
setComment method

Sets a comment value to a question with a specified name.

(name: string, newValue: string, locNotification?: any) => void
name, type: string ,

A question name.

newValue, type: string ,

A new comment value.

locNotification, type: any ,

For internal use.

Implemented in:
See also:
setCookie method

Sets a cookie with a specified cookieName in the browser. If the cookieName property value is defined, this method is automatically called on survey completion.

() => void
Implemented in:
See also:
hasCookie * , deleteCookie

Assigns a new value to a specified property.

(name: string, val: any) => void
name, type: string ,

A property name.

val, type: any ,

A new value for the property.

Implemented in:
setValue method

Sets a question value (answer).

This method executes all triggers and reevaluates conditions (visibleIf, requiredId, and others). It also switches the survey to the next page if the autoAdvanceEnabled property is enabled and all questions on the current page have correct answers.

(name: string, newQuestionValue: any, locNotification?: any, allowNotifyValueChanged?: boolean, questionName?: string) => void
name, type: string ,

A question name.

newQuestionValue, type: any
locNotification, type: any ,

For internal use.

allowNotifyValueChanged, type: boolean ,

For internal use.

questionName, type: string
Implemented in:
See also:
data * , getValue
setVariable method

Sets a variable value.

Variables help topic

(name: string, newValue: any) => void
name, type: string ,

A variable name.

newValue, type: any ,

A new variable value.

Implemented in:
See also:
getVariable * , getVariableNames

Specifies whether to display the Complete button. Set this property to false if respondents should not complete the survey.

boolean writable
Implemented in:
See also:
showNavigationButtons * , showPrevButton

Obsolete. Use the showCompletePage property instead.

boolean writable
Implemented in:
showCompletePage property

Specifies whether to show the complete page.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
See also:
onComplete * , navigateToUrl

Specifies whether the Complete page should display the survey header.

Possible values:

  • true - Displays the survey header on the Complete page.
  • false - Hides the header when users reach the Complete page.
  • "auto" (default) - Displays a header with the basic view, but hides a header with the advanced view (see the headerView property description).

This property cannot be specified in the survey JSON schema. Use dot notation to specify it.

boolean | "auto" readonly
Implemented in:

Specifies whether to show all survey elements, regardless of their visibility.

Default value: false

boolean writable
Implemented in:

Gets or sets the visibility of the Start, Next, Previous, and Complete navigation buttons.

Possible values:

any writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
See also:
navigationButtonsLocation * , autoAdvanceEnabled * , showPrevButton * , showCompleteButton
showPageNumbers property

Specifies whether page titles contain page numbers.

View Demo

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
showPageTitles property

Specifies whether to display page titles.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
showPrevButton property

Specifies whether to display the Previous button. Set this property to false if respondents should not move backward along the survey.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
See also:
showNavigationButtons * , showCompleteButton
showPreview method

Displays a preview of given answers. Returns false if the preview cannot be displayed because of validation errors.

() => boolean
Implemented in:
See also:
cancelPreview * , showPreviewBeforeComplete * , onShowingPreview * , state

Specifies whether to show a preview of given answers before they are submitted.

Default value: false

View Demo

any writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
previewMode * , showPreview * , cancelPreview
showProgressBar property

Specifies the visibility of the progress bar.

Default value: false

View Demo

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
progressBarLocation * , progressBarType * , progressValue

Specifies whether to display survey element numbers and how to calculate them.

Possible values:

  • true or "on" - Numbers survey elements in order, regardless of their nesting level.
  • "recursive" - Applies recursive numbering to elements nested in panels (for example, 1 -> 1.1 -> 1.1.1, etc.).
  • "onpage" - Starts numbering on each page from scratch.
  • false or "off" - Hides question numbers.

View Demo

If you want to hide the number of an individual question, disable its showNumber property.

string | boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
on , onPage , recursive , off
Implemented in:
See also:
showTimer property

Specifies the timer's visibility. Applies only to quiz surveys.

Default value: false

If you set this property to true, the timer starts automatically when the survey begins. To specify time limits, use the timeLimit and timeLimitPerPage properties.

The timer displays information about time spent on an individual page and the entire survey. If you want to display only the page timer or the survey timer, set the timerInfoMode property to "page" or "survey".

You can enable the timer without displaying it. In this case, you need to specify the required time limits and use the startTimer() and stopTimer() methods to control the timer.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
timerLocation * , timeSpent * , onTimerTick
showTimerPanel property

Obsolete. Use the showTimer and timerLocation properties instead.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:

Obsolete. Use the timerInfoMode property instead.

string writable
Implemented in:
showTitle property

Specifies whether to display the survey title.

View Demo

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
See also:
showTOC property

Gets or sets the visibility of the table of contents.

Default value: false

View Demo

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
start method

Starts the survey. Applies only if the survey has a start page.

() => boolean
Implemented in:
See also:
firstPageIsStartPage * , completeLastPage
startedPage property

Obsolete. Use the startPage property instead.

PageModel readonly
Implemented in:
startPage property

Returns the start page. Applies only if the firstPageIsStartPage property is set to true.

Refer to the following help topic for more information: Start Page.

PageModel readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
firstPageIsStartPage * , activePage
startSurveyText property

Gets or sets a caption for the Start button.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
firstPageIsStartPage * , Localization & Globalization
startTimer method

Starts a timer that calculates how many seconds a respondent has spent on the survey. Applies only to quiz surveys.

() => void
Implemented in:
See also:
stopTimer * , timeLimit * , timeLimitPerPage * , timeSpent * , onTimerTick
state property

Returns the current survey state.

Possible values:

  • "loading" - The survey is being loaded from a JSON schema.
  • "empty" - The survey has no elements to display.
  • "starting" - The survey displays a start page.
  • "running" - A respondent is taking the survey.
  • "preview" - A respondent is previewing answers before submitting them.
  • "completed" - A respondent has completed the survey and submitted the results.
string readonly
Implemented in:
stopTimer method

Stops the timer. Applies only to quiz surveys.

() => void
Implemented in:
See also:
startTimer * , timeLimit * , timeLimitPerPage * , timeSpent * , onTimerTick

Specifies whether to store the "Other" option response in a separate property.

Default value: true

Respondents can leave comments when they select "Other" in choice-based questions, such as Dropdown or Checkboxes. Comment values are saved in a separate property. The property name is composed of the question name and commentSuffix. However, you can use the question name as a key to store the comment value instead. Disable the storeOthersAsComment property in this case.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
See also:
surveyId property

Obsolete. Self-hosted Form Library no longer supports integration with SurveyJS Demo Service.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
surveyPostId property

Obsolete. Self-hosted Form Library no longer supports integration with SurveyJS Demo Service.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:

Obsolete. Self-hosted Form Library no longer supports integration with SurveyJS Demo Service.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
textUpdateMode property

Specifies when to update the question value in questions with a text input field.

Possible values:

  • "onBlur" (default) - Updates the value after the input field loses focus.
  • "onTyping" - Updates the value on every key press.

Do not use the "onTyping" mode if your survey contains many expressions. Expressions are reevaluated each time a question value is changed. In "onTyping" mode, the question value changes frequently. This may cause performance degradation.

You can override this setting for individual questions: textUpdateMode.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
onBlur , onTyping
Implemented in:
timeLimit property

A time period that a respondent has to complete the survey; measured in seconds. Applies only to quiz surveys.

Default value: 0 (time is unlimited)

View Demo

number writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
timeLimitPerPage * , startTimer * , timeSpent
timeLimitPerPage property

A time period that a respondent has to complete each survey page; measured in seconds. Applies only to quiz surveys.

Default value: 0 (time is unlimited)

You can also use PageModel's timeLimit property to specify a time period for an individual survey page.

View Demo

number writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
timeLimit * , startTimer * , timeSpent
timerInfoMode property

Specifies whether the timer panel displays timers for the current page, the entire survey, or both. Applies only if the timer panel is visible.

Possible values:

  • "survey" - Displays only the survey timer.
  • "page" - Displays only the page timer.
  • "combined" (default) - Displays both the survey and page timers.
string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
page , survey , combined
Implemented in:
See also:
timeSpent * , onTimerTick * , startTimer * , stopTimer
timerLocation property

Specifies the timer's position relative to the survey. Applies only if the showTimer property is set to true.

Possible values:

  • "top" (default) - Displays the timer at the top of the survey.
  • "bottom" - Displays the timer at the bottom of the survey.
string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
top , bottom
Implemented in:
See also:
timeSpent property

A time period that a respondent has spent on the survey so far; measured in seconds. Applies only to quiz surveys.

Assign a number to this property if you need to start the quiz timer from a specific time (for instance, if you want to continue an interrupted quiz).

You can also find out how many seconds a respondent has spent on an individual survey page. To do this, use the timeSpent property of a PageModel object.

number writable
Implemented in:
See also:
timeLimit * , timeLimitPerPage * , startTimer
title property

A title for the survey element. If title is undefined, the name property value is displayed instead.

Empty pages and panels do not display their titles or names.

string writable
Implemented in:
See also:
Configure Question Titles
tocLocation property

Gets or sets the position of the table of contents. Applies only when the table of contents is visible.

Possible values:

  • "left" (default)
  • "right"

View Demo

"left" | "right" writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
left , right
Implemented in:
See also:
toJSON method

Returns a JSON object that corresponds to the current SurveyJS object.

(options?: ISaveToJSONOptions) => any
options, type: ISaveToJSONOptions
Implemented in:
See also:
triggers property

A list of triggers in the survey.

Conditional Survey Logic (Triggers)

SurveyTrigger[] writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
runTriggers * , onTriggerExecuted
tryComplete method

Completes the survey if it currently displays the last page and the page contains no validation errors. If both these conditions are met, this method returns true; otherwise, false.

If you want to complete the survey regardless of the current page and validation errors, use the doComplete() event.

() => boolean
Implemented in:
See also:
isCurrentPageValid * , nextPage

Unregisters value change event handlers for the specified properties.

(propertyNames: string[], key?: string) => void
propertyNames, type: string[] ,

An array of one or multiple property names.

key, type: string ,

(Optional) A key of the registration that you want to cancel.

Implemented in:
See also:
uploadFiles method

Uploads files to a server.

The following code shows how to call this method:

const question = survey.getQuestionByName("myFileQuestion");
  (data, errors) => {
    // ...
(question: QuestionFileModel | QuestionSignaturePadModel, name: string, files: any[], callback: (data: any, errors?: any) => any) => void
question, type: QuestionFileModel | QuestionSignaturePadModel ,

A File Upload question instance or Signature Pad question instance.

name, type: string ,

The File Upload question's name or Signature Pad question's name.

files, type: any[] ,

An array of JavaScript File objects that represent files to upload.

callback, type: (data: any, errors?: any) => any ,

A callback function that allows you to access successfully uploaded files as the first argument. If any files fail to upload, the second argument contains an array of error messages.

Implemented in:
See also:
onUploadFiles * , downloadFile
validate method

Validates all questions and returns false if the validation fails.

If you use validation expressions and at least one of them calls an async function, the validate method returns undefined. In this case, you should pass a callback function as the onAsyncValidation parameter. The function's hasErrors Boolean parameter will contain the validation result.

(fireCallback?: boolean, focusFirstError?: boolean, onAsyncValidation?: (hasErrors: boolean) => void, changeCurrentPage?: boolean) => boolean
fireCallback, type: boolean ,

(Optional) Pass false if you do not want to show validation errors in the UI.

focusFirstError, type: boolean ,

(Optional) Pass true if you want to focus the first question with a validation error. The survey will be switched to the page that contains this question if required.

onAsyncValidation, type: (hasErrors: boolean) => void ,

(Optional) Pass a callback function. It accepts a Boolean hasErrors parameter that equals true if the validation fails or false otherwise.

changeCurrentPage, type: boolean
Implemented in:
See also:
validateCurrentPage * , validatePage

Validates all questions on the current page and returns false if the validation fails.

If you use validation expressions and at least one of them calls an async function, the validateCurrentPage method returns undefined. In this case, you should pass a callback function as the onAsyncValidation parameter. The function's hasErrors Boolean parameter will contain the validation result.

(onAsyncValidation?: (hasErrors: boolean) => void) => boolean
onAsyncValidation, type: (hasErrors: boolean) => void ,

(Optional) Pass a callback function. It accepts a Boolean hasErrors parameter that equals true if the validation fails or false otherwise.

Implemented in:
See also:
currentPage * , validate * , validateCurrentPage
validatePage method

Validates all questions on a specified page and returns false if the validation fails.

If you use validation expressions and at least one of them calls an async function, the validatePage method returns undefined. In this case, you should pass a callback function as the onAsyncValidation parameter. The function's hasErrors Boolean parameter will contain the validation result.

(page?: PageModel, onAsyncValidation?: (hasErrors: boolean) => void) => boolean
page, type: PageModel ,

Pass the PageModel that you want to validate. You can pass undefined to validate the activePage.

onAsyncValidation, type: (hasErrors: boolean) => void ,

(Optional) Pass a callback function. It accepts a Boolean hasErrors parameter that equals true if the validation fails or false otherwise.

Implemented in:
See also:
validate * , validateCurrentPage

Specifies whether to trigger validation when a user focuses on an empty input field and then leaves it without making any changes. Applies only if checkErrorsMode is set to "onValueChanged".

Default value: false

This property changes validation behavior for the following question types:

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
validationEnabled * , validationAllowSwitchPages * , validationAllowComplete * , validate

Specifies whether respondents can end a survey with validation errors.

Default value: false

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:

Specifies whether respondents can switch the current page even if it contains validation errors.

Default value: false

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:

Specifies whether data validation is enabled.

Default value: true

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
checkErrorsMode * , hideRequiredErrors
visiblePageCount property

Returns the number of visible survey pages.

To get a total number of survey pages, use the pageCount property.

number readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
visiblePages * , Conditional Visibility
visiblePages property

Returns an array of visible pages without the start page.

To get an array of all pages, use the pages property. If all pages are visible, the pages and visiblePages arrays are identical.

PageModel[] readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
Conditional Visibility
width property

A survey width in CSS values.

Default value: undefined (the survey inherits the width from its container)

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
widthMode property

Specifies how to calculate the survey width.

Possible values:

  • "static" - A survey has a fixed width.
  • "responsive" - A survey occupies all available horizontal space and stretches or shrinks horizontally to fit in the screen size.
  • "auto" (default) - Survey width depends on a question type and corresponds to the "static" or "responsive" mode.
string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
auto , static , responsive
Implemented in:

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