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Property Grid Customization

Property Grid displays the properties of a selected survey element and allows a user to change the property values. This help topic describes how you can modify the Property Grid contents.

Survey Creator - Property Grid

Hide Properties from the Property Grid

If you do not want users to change a survey property, you can hide it from the Property Grid. Survey Creator allows you to hide an individual property or multiple properties at once.

To hide a single survey property, call the getProperty(questionType, propertyName) method on the Survey.Serializer object as follows:

// Hide the `title` property for Boolean questions
Survey.Serializer.getProperty("boolean", "title").visible = false;

// In modular applications:
import { Serializer } from "survey-core";
Serializer.getProperty("boolean", "title").visible = false;

If you want to hide multiple properties, handle the Survey Creator's onShowingProperty event. Its second parameter exposes the canShow Boolean property. Disable it for the properties you want to hide. The following example illustrates two cases: hide black-listed properties and keep only white-listed properties. This code hides the properties for Panel questions.

const blackList = [ "visible", "isRequired" ];
// const whiteList = [ "title", "name" ];

creator.onShowingProperty.add(function (_, options) {
  if (options.obj.getType() == "panel") {
    // Hide properties found in `blackList`
    options.canShow = blackList.indexOf( < 0;

    // Hide all properties except those found in `whiteList`
    // options.canShow = whiteList.indexOf( > -1;

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Override Default Property Values

You can specify a different default value for a property in Property Grid. To do this, call Serializer's getProperty(questionType, propertyName) method and change the property's defaultValue setting:

// Override the default value of the `isAllRowRequired` property for Single-Select Matrix questions
Survey.Serializer.getProperty("matrix", "isAllRowRequired").defaultValue = true;

// In modular applications:
import { Serializer } from "survey-core";
Serializer.getProperty("matrix", "isAllRowRequired").defaultValue = true;

Add Help Texts to Property Editors

Property editors can display hints or tooltips that help survey authors specify correct property values. For example, the following image illustrates a hint for the acceptedTypes property editor in a File Upload question:

Survey Creator: Hints in the Property Grid

Hints are stored in the pehelp object (stands for "property editor help") within localization dictionaries. You can use localization API to specify or override help texts within this object. For instance, the code below specifies a hint for the title property editor.

// Get current locale translations
const translations = SurveyCreator.localization.getLocale("");
// In modular applications
import { localization } from "survey-creator-core";
const translations = localization.getLocale("");

translations.pehelp.title = "A hint for the Title property editor";

You can specify different help texts for properties that belong to questions, pages, and the survey itself:

translations.pehelp.survey = { 
  title: "A hint for the Title property editor of the survey"
}; = { 
  title: "A hint for the Title property editor of all pages"
translations.pehelp.question = { 
  title: "A hint for the Title property editor of all questions"

You can also set specific help texts for properties that belong to a certain question type:

translations.pehelp.file = { 
  title: "A hint for the Title property editor in File Upload questions"
translations.pehelp.comment = { 
  title: "A hint for the Title property editor in Long Text questions"

Add Custom Properties to the Property Grid

Custom properties can be serialized and included in the survey JSON schema. To add a custom property, call the addProperty(questionType, propertySettings) method on the Survey.Serializer object. This method accepts the following arguments:

  • questionType
    A string value that specifies the question type to which the property should be added. You can use a specific type (see the getType description) or one of the base types. In the latter case, the new property is added to all question types derived from the base type. Refer to the API of a specific question type for information on its inheritance chain. For example, the following image illustrates the inheritance chain of the Single-Line Input question type:

    Survey Creator - Survey member's inheritance chain
  • propertySettings
    Settings that configure the property's appearance and behavior. For information about these settings, refer to the Survey Element Property Settings help section below.

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Survey Element Property Settings


A string value that specifies the property name. It is the only required property.


A string value that specifies the property type. Accepts one of the values described in the table below. Each type produces a different property editor.

type Property Editor Description
"string" (default) Text input Use this type for short string values.
"boolean" Checkbox Use this type for Boolean values.
"condition" Multi-line text input with an optional dialog window Use this type for Boolean expressions similar to visibleIf or enableIf.
"expression" Multi-line text input with a hint icon Use this type for non-Boolean expressions.
"number" Text input Use this type for numeric values.
"text" Multi-line text input Use this type for multi-line text values.
"file" Text input with a button that opens a Select File dialog window Use this type to allow respondents to select a file or enter a file URL.
"color" Color picker Use this type for color values.
"html" Multi-line text input Use this type for HTML markup.
"itemvalues" Customized text inputs for entering value-text pairs Use this type for arrays of objects with the following structure: { value: any, text: string }. For example, Dropdown, Checkbox, and Radiogroup questions use this type for the choices property.
"value" Button that opens a dialog window The dialog window displays the survey element and allows users to set the element's default value.
"multiplevalues" A group of checkboxes with a Select All checkbox Use this type to allow respondents to select more than one predefined value. Requires a defined choices array.

type can also accept custom values. In this case, you need to register a property editor for the custom type in the PropertyGridEditorCollection and specify a standard JSON object that the custom type should produce. For example, the following code configures a "shortname" property that has a custom "shorttext" type:

Survey.Serializer.addProperty("question", {
  name: "shortname",
  type: "shorttext",
  isRequired: true,
  category: "general",
  visibleIndex: 3

  // Returns `true` for a property with type "shorttext"
  fit: function (prop) {
    return prop.type === "shorttext";
  // Returns a standard question JSON configuration for the property editor
  // (a text editor that is limited to 5 characters)
  getJSON: function (obj, prop, options) {
    return { type: "text", maxLength: 5 };

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You can add the type to the name property after a colon character as a shortcut:

  { name: "myBooleanProperty", type: "boolean" }
  // ===== or =====
  { name: "myBooleanProperty:boolean" }


A default value for the property. If not specified, default equals "" for string values, 0 for numbers, and false for Boolean values. The default value is not serialized into a survey JSON schema.

  { name: "myStringProperty", default: "custom-default-value" }

  { name: "myNumericProperty", type: "number", default: 100 }

  { name: "myBooleanProperty", type: "boolean", default: true }

If you are creating a localizable property and want to display different default values for different locales, use localization capabilities to specify these default values. You can assign them at runtime, as shown below:

Survey.surveyLocalization.getLocaleStrings("en")["myStringProperty"] = "Default value for English";
Survey.surveyLocalization.getLocaleStrings("fr")["myStringProperty"] = "Default value for French";

Alternatively, you can add your custom property to each used localization dictionary. In this case, the default value for the current locale will be applied automatically. Rebuild the library after updating the dictionaries.

// localization/english.ts
export var englishStrings = {
  // ...
  myStringProperty: "Default value for English"
// localization/french.ts
export var frenchSurveyStrings = {
  // ...
  myStringProperty: "Default value for French"


A string value that specifies a property caption. If not specified, the name value is used instead.

  { name: "myStringProperty", displayName: "Custom Caption" }


An array of selection choices or a function that loads the choices from a web service. Applies only to text and numeric properties. If choices are specified, Survey Creator renders a drop-down menu as the property editor.

// Define `choices` locally
Survey.Serializer.addProperty("question", {
  name: "myStringProperty",
  choices: [ "option1", "option2", "option3" ],
  // If item captions should be different from item values:
  // choices: [
  //   { value: "option1", text: "Option 1" },
  //   { value: "option2", text: "Option 2" },
  //   { value: "option3", text: "Option 3" },
  // ],
  default: "option1"

// Load `choices` from a web service
Survey.Serializer.addProperty("survey", {
  name: "country",
  category: "general",
  choices: function (obj, choicesCallback) {
    const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "");
    xhr.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    xhr.onload = function () {
      if (xhr.status === 200) {
        const response = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
        const result = [];
        // Make the property nullable
        result.push({ value: null });
        // Web service returns objects that are converted to the `{ value, text }` format
        // If your web service returns an array of strings, pass this array to `choicesCallback`
        response.forEach(item => {
          result.push({ value: item.cioc, text: });


A Boolean value that specifies whether the property must have a value. Defaults to false. You can add an exclamation mark before name as a shortcut for this setting:

  { name: "myBooleanProperty", type: "boolean", isRequired: true }
  // ===== or =====
  { name: "!myBooleanProperty", type: "boolean" }


A Boolean value that specifies whether to include the property in the survey JSON schema. Defaults to true.


A Boolean value that specifies whether users can translate the property value to different languages in the Translation tab. Applies only to text properties. Defaults to false.

  { name: "myTextProperty", type: "text", isLocalizable: true }


A Boolean value that specifies whether the property is visible in the Property Grid. Defaults to true.


A function that specifies a condition based on which to show or hide the property. The function accepts the question or panel that a user configures as a parameter.

If the property visibility depends on another property, use the dependsOn setting. You can use visibleIf in conjunction with dependsOn to impose more specific rules on property visibility. In this case, Survey Creator calls the visibleIf function only when one of the properties from the dependsOn array is changed.

In the following code, the dateFormat property depends on the inputType property and is visible only if inputType is set to one of the date types:

Survey.Serializer.addProperty("text", {
  name: "dateFormat",
  category: "general",
  visibleIndex: 7,
  dependsOn: ["inputType"],
  visibleIf: function (obj) {
    return (
      obj.inputType === "date" ||
      obj.inputType === "datetime" ||
      obj.inputType === "datetime-local"

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A number that specifies the property position within its category. Defaults to -1 (the last position).

  // Display "myStringProperty" at the top in the General category
  { name: "myStringProperty", category: "general", visibleIndex: 0 }


A Boolean value that specifies whether the property value is read-only. Defaults to false.

  { name: "myStringProperty", readOnly: true }


A function that specifies a condition based on which the property is switched to read-only mode. This function accepts the question or panel that a user configures as a parameter.

In the following code, the dateFormat property is enabled only if an inputType property is set to one of the date types:

Survey.Serializer.addProperty("text", {
  name: "dateFormat",
  category: "general",
  visibleIndex: 7,
  enableIf: function (obj) {
    return (
      obj.inputType === "date" ||
      obj.inputType === "datetime" ||
      obj.inputType === "datetime-local"


A string value that specifies a category in which to display the property. If category is not set, the property falls into the Others category. Categories are sorted according to categoryIndex values.

The following table describes predefined categories:

category Category title Element types that have the category categoryIndex
"general" General Question, Panel, Page, Survey -1
"logo" Logo in the Survey Header Survey 50
"navigation" Navigation Survey 100
"navigation" Navigation Page 350
"question" Question Settings Survey 200
"pages" Pages Survey 250
"logic" Conditions Survey 300
"logic" Conditions Question, Panel, Page 200
"data" Data Survey 400
"data" Data Question, Panel, Page 300
"validation" Validation Survey 500
"validation" Validation Question, Panel, Page 400
"showOnCompleted" Thank You Page Survey 600
"timer" Quiz Mode Survey 700
"questionSettings" Question Settings Panel, Page 100
"layout" Layout Question 100
"layout" Panel Layout Panel 150
"numbering" Numbering Panel 350
"columns" Columns Matrices 10
"rows" Rows Matrices 11
"choices" Choice Options Multi-Select Matrix, Dynamic Matrix 12
"cells" Individual Cell Texts Single-Select Matrix 500
"items" Items Multiple Textboxes 10
"rateValues" Rating Values Rating Scale 10
"choices" Choice Options SelectBase (Dropdown, Checkboxes, Radio Button Group) 10
"choicesByUrl" Choices from a Web Service SelectBase (Dropdown, Checkboxes, Radio Button Group) 11


A number that specifies a category position. If categoryIndex is not set, the category is added to the end. No category can be placed above General.

  // Display "Custom Category" after the General category
  { name: "myStringProperty", category: "Custom Category", categoryIndex: 1 }


A numeric value that specifies the maximum number of characters users can enter into the text input.

  { name: "myTextProperty", type: "text", maxLength: 280 }

minValue and maxValue

Numeric values that specify the minimum and maximum numbers users can enter into the editor.

  { name: "myNumericProperty", type: "number", minValue: 0, maxValue: 100 }


An array of property names upon which the current property depends. When one of the listed properties changes, the dependent property reevaluates the visibleIf and choices functions. This allows you to control the property visibility and fill choices conditionally.

The following code declares two custom properties. dependent-property fills choices depending on the myCustomProperty value:

Survey.Serializer.addProperty("question", {
  name: "myCustomProperty",
  choices: ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"],

Survey.Serializer.addProperty("question", {
  name: "dependent-property",
  dependsOn: [ "myCustomProperty" ],
  choices: function (obj) {
    const choices = [];
    const targetPropertyValue = !!obj ? obj["myCustomProperty"] : null;
    // If `targetPropertyValue` is empty, return an empty array
    if (!targetPropertyValue) return choices;
    // Make the dependent property nullable
    choices.push({ value: null });
    // Populate `choices`
    choices.push(targetPropertyValue + ": Suboption 1");
    choices.push(targetPropertyValue + ": Suboption 2");
    choices.push(targetPropertyValue + ": Suboption 3");
    return choices;

The following example shows how to load choices for the country property from a web service. They are reloaded each time a user changes the region value:

Survey.Serializer.addProperty("survey", {
  name: "region",
  category: "Region",
  categoryIndex: 1,
  choices: ["Africa", "Americas", "Asia", "Europe", "Oceania"],

Survey.Serializer.addProperty("survey", {
  name: "country",
  category: "Region",
  dependsOn: [ "region" ],
  choices: function (obj, choicesCallback) {
    const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    const url =
      !!obj && !!obj.region
        ? "" + obj.region
        : "";"GET", url);
    xhr.onload = function () {
      if (xhr.status === 200) {
        const response = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
        const result = [];
        // Make the property nullable
        result.push({ value: null });
        response.forEach(item => {
          result.push({ value: item.cioc, text: });

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The name of a property that overrides the current property.

  { name: "myMasterProperty", type: "condition" }
  { name: "myDependentProperty", type: "boolean", overridingProperty: "myMasterProperty" }

If you specify overridingProperty, the Property Grid disables the current property and displays a jump link to the overriding property:

Survey Creator - Property Grid with overridden properties


A function that you can use to adjust or exclude the property value from the survey JSON schema.

Survey.Serializer.addProperty("question", {
  name: "calculated-property",
  onGetValue: function (surveyElement) {
    // Do not serialize the property to JSON
    return null;


A function that you can use to perform actions when the property value is set (for example, update another property value).

Do not assign a value directly to an object property because this will trigger the onSetValue function again. Use the object's setPropertyValue(propertyName, newValue) method instead.

Survey.Serializer.addProperty("question", {
  name: "myStringProperty",
  onSetValue: function (surveyElement, value) {
    // You can perform required checks or modify the `value` here
    // ...
    // Set the `value`
    surveyElement.setPropertyValue("myStringProperty", value);
    // You can perform required actions after the `value` is set
    // ...


A function that is called when an expression is evaluated.

Define this function for custom properties of the "condition" or "expression" type. Within it, you can handle the expression evaluation result. For example, the following code adds a custom showHeaderIf property to the Matrix question type. This property shows or hides the matrix header based on a condition: the result of the condition evaluation is assigned to the question's showHeader property.

Survey.Serializer.addProperty("matrix", {
  name: "showHeaderIf",
  type: "condition",
  category: "logic",
  onExecuteExpression: (obj, res) => {
    obj.showHeader = res;

// Usage
const surveyJson = {
  "elements": [{
    "type": "matrix",
    "showHeaderIf": "{question1} = 'item2'"

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