Documentation Docs
Documentation Docs


A class that describes the Dropdown question type.

View Demo

Inherited from the following class(es):

allowClear property

Specifies whether to display a button that clears the selected value.

boolean readonly

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
choices property

Gets or sets choice items. This property accepts an array of objects with the following structure:

  "value": any, // A unique value to be saved in the survey results.
  "text": String, // A display text. This property supports Markdown. When `text` is undefined, `value` is used.
  "imageLink": String // A link to the image or video that represents this choice value. Applies only to Image Picker questions.
  "customProperty": any // Any property that you find useful.

To enable Markdown support for the text property, implement Markdown-to-HTML conversion in the onTextMarkdown event handler. For an example, refer to the following demo: Convert Markdown to HTML with markdown-it.

If you add custom properties, refer to the following help topic to learn how to serialize them into JSON: Add Custom Properties to Property Grid.

If you need to specify only the value property, you can set the choices property to an array of primitive values, for example, [ "item1", "item2", "item3" ]. These values are both saved in survey results and used as display text.

any[] writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
See also:
choicesByUrl * , choicesFromQuestion * , settings.specialChoicesOrder
choicesByUrl property

Configures access to a RESTful service that returns choice items. Refer to the ChoicesRestful class description for more information. You can also specify additional application-wide settings using the settings.web object.

View Demo

ChoicesRestful writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
choices * , settings.specialChoicesOrder
choicesEnableIf property

A Boolean expression that is evaluated against each choice item. If the expression evaluates to false, the choice item becomes read-only.

A survey parses and runs all expressions on startup. If any values used in the expression change, the survey re-evaluates it.

Use the {item} placeholder to reference the current choice item in the expression.

Refer to the following help topic for more information: Conditional Visibility.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
enableIf * , choicesVisibleIf

Copies choice items from a specified question. Accepts a question name.

If you specify this property, the choices, choicesVisibleIf, choicesEnableIf, and choicesOrder properties do not apply because their values are copied.

In addition, you can specify the choicesFromQuestionMode property if you do not want to copy all choice items.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
choicesFromQuestionMode * , choices

Specifies which choice items to copy from another question. Applies only when the choicesFromQuestion property is specified.

Possible values:

  • "all" (default) - Copies all choice items.
  • "selected" - Copies only selected choice items.
  • "unselected" - Copies only unselected choice items.

Use the visibleChoices property to access copied choice items.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
all , selected , unselected
Implemented in:
See also:
choicesFromQuestion * , visibleChoices

Enables lazy loading. If you set this property to true, you should implement the Survey's onChoicesLazyLoad event handler.

boolean readonly

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
choicesLazyLoadPageSize * , SurveyModel.onChoicesLazyLoad

Specifies the number of choice items to load at a time when choices are loaded on demand.

number readonly

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
See also:
choicesLazyLoadEnabled * , SurveyModel.onChoicesLazyLoad
choicesMax property

Use the choicesMin, choicesMax, and choicesStep properties to generate choice items automatically. For example, the configuration below generates three choice items: [10, 20, 30].

"choicesMin": 10,
"choicesMax": 30
"choicesStep": 10
number writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
choicesMin * , choicesStep
choicesMin property

Use the choicesMin, choicesMax, and choicesStep properties to generate choice items automatically. For example, the configuration below generates three choice items: [10, 20, 30].

"choicesMin": 10,
"choicesMax": 30
"choicesStep": 10
number writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
choicesMax * , choicesStep
choicesOrder property

Specifies the sort order of choice items.

Possible values:

  • "none" (default) - Preserves the original order of choice items.
  • "asc"- Sorts choice items in ascending order.
  • "desc"- Sorts choice items in ascending order.
  • "random" - Displays choice items in random order.
string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
none , asc , desc , random
Implemented in:
See also:
choicesStep property

Use the choicesMin, choicesMax, and choicesStep properties to generate choice items automatically. For example, the configuration below generates three choice items: [10, 20, 30].

"choicesMin": 10,
"choicesMax": 30
"choicesStep": 10

The default value of the choicesStep property is 1.

number writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
See also:
choicesMin * , choicesMax
choicesVisibleIf property

A Boolean expression that is evaluated against each choice item. If the expression evaluates to false, the choice item becomes hidden.

A survey parses and runs all expressions on startup. If any values used in the expression change, the survey re-evaluates it.

Use the {item} placeholder to reference the current choice item in the expression.

Refer to the following help topic for more information: Conditional Visibility.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
visibleIf * , choicesEnableIf

Specifies which matrix column or dynamic panel question supplies choice texts. Use this property to construct choice items based on cell values in Dynamic Matrix and question values in Dynamic Panel.

Each choice item consists of a value saved in survey results and a text displayed in the UI. To construct a choice item, assign the name of a Dynamic Matrix or Dynamic Panel to the choicesFromQuestion property and specify which dynamic panel question or matrix column supplies values and which provides texts. Use the choiceValuesFromQuestion and choiceTextsFromQuestion properties for this purpose. If a choice text is empty, a choice value is used as a display text and saved in survey results.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:

Specifies which matrix column or dynamic panel question supplies choice values. Use this property to construct choice items based on cell values in Dynamic Matrix and question values in Dynamic Panel.

Each choice item consists of a value saved in survey results and a text displayed in the UI. To construct a choice item, assign the name of a Dynamic Matrix or Dynamic Panel to the choicesFromQuestion property and specify which dynamic panel question or matrix column supplies values and which provides texts. Use the choiceValuesFromQuestion and choiceTextsFromQuestion properties for this purpose. If a choice text is empty, a choice value is used as a display text and saved in survey results.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
clearErrors method

Empties the errors array.

() => void
Implemented in:
See also:
clearIfInvisible property

Specifies when to clear the question value if the question becomes invisible.

Possible values:

  • "default" (default) - Inherits the setting from the Survey's clearInvisibleValues property.
  • "onHidden" - Clears the value when the question becomes invisible. If a question is invisible on startup and has an initial value, this value will be cleared when the survey is complete.
  • "onHiddenContainer" - Clears the value when the question or its container (page or panel) becomes invisible. If a question is invisible on startup and has an initial value, this value will be cleared when the survey is complete.
  • "onComplete" - Clears the value when the survey is complete.
  • "none" - Never clears the value of an invisible question.
string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
default , none , onComplete , onHidden , onHiddenContainer
Implemented in:
See also:
SurveyModel.clearInvisibleValues * , visible * , SurveyModel.onComplete

Removes values that cannot be assigned to this question, for example, choices unlisted in the choices array.

Call this method after you assign new question values in code to ensure that they are acceptable.

This method does not remove values that fail validation. Call the validate() method to validate newly assigned values.

() => void
Implemented in:
See also:
clearValue method

Sets the question's value and comment properties to undefined.

(keepComment?: boolean) => void
keepComment, type: boolean
Implemented in:
See also:
value * , comment
clone method

Creates a new object that has the same type and properties as the current SurveyJS object.

() => Base
Implemented in:
collapse method

Collapses the survey element.

In collapsed state, the element displays only title and description.

() => void
Implemented in:
See also:
title * , description * , state * , toggleState * , expand * , isCollapsed * , isExpanded
comment property

A comment to the selected question value. Enable the showCommentArea property to allow users to leave comments.

string writable
Implemented in:
See also:
showCommentArea * , commentText

A placeholder for the comment area. Applies when the showCommentArea property is true.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
showCommentArea * , comment * , commentText
commentText property

Specifies a caption displayed above the comment area. Applies when the showCommentArea property is true.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
showCommentArea * , comment
containsErrors property

Returns true if the survey element or its child elements have validation errors.

This property contains the result of the most recent validation. This result may be outdated. Call the validate method to get an up-to-date value.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
correctAnswer property

A correct answer to this question. Specify this property if you want to create a quiz.

any writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
SurveyModel.getCorrectAnswerCount * , SurveyModel.getInCorrectAnswerCount
cssClasses property

Returns an object in which keys are UI elements and values are CSS classes applied to them.

Use the following events of the SurveyModel object to override CSS classes:

any readonly
Implemented in:
defaultValue property

A default value for the question. Ignored for question types that cannot have a value (for example, HTML).

The default value is used as a question value in the following cases:

  • While the survey is being loaded from JSON.
  • The question is just added to the survey and does not yet have an answer.
  • The respondent left the answer empty.
any writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:

An expression used to calculate the defaultValue.

This expression applies until the question value is specified by an end user or programmatically.

An expression can reference other questions as follows:

  • {other_question_name}
  • {panel.other_question_name} (to access questions inside the same dynamic panel)
  • {row.other_question_name} (to access questions inside the same dynamic matrix or multi-column dropdown)

An expression can also include built-in and custom functions for advanced calculations. For example, if the defaultValue should be today's date, set the defaultValueExpression to "today()", and the corresponding built-in function will be executed each time the survey is loaded. Refer to the following help topic for more information: Built-In Functions.

View Demo

any writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
defaultValue * , setValueExpression
description property

Explanatory text displayed under the title.

string writable
Implemented in:
See also:

Specifies where to display a question description.

Possible values:

  • "default" (default) - Inherits the setting from the Survey's questionDescriptionLocation property.
  • "underTitle" - Displays the description under the question title.
  • "underInput" - Displays the description under the interactive area.
string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
default , underInput , underTitle
Implemented in:
See also:
description * , hasDescription
dontKnowItem property

Returns the "Don't know" choice item. Use this property to change the item's value or text.

ItemValue readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
dontKnowText property

Gets or sets a caption for the "Don't know" choice item.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
enabledChoices property

An array of choice items with which users can interact. Includes the "Select All", "Other", and "None" choice items if they are not disabled. Items are sorted according to the choicesOrder value.

ItemValue[] readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
showNoneItem * , showOtherItem * , choicesOrder * , choices * , visibleChoices
enableIf property

A Boolean expression. If it evaluates to false, this question becomes read-only.

A survey parses and runs all expressions on startup. If any values used in the expression change, the survey re-evaluates it.

Refer to the following help topic for more information: Conditional Visibility.

View Demo

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
readOnly * , isReadOnly
errorLocation property

Specifies the error message position. Overrides the questionErrorLocation property specified for the question's container (survey, page, or panel).

Possible values:

  • "default" (default) - Inherits the setting from the questionErrorLocation property specified for the question's container.
  • "top" - Displays error messages above questions.
  • "bottom" - Displays error messages below questions.
string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
default , top , bottom
Implemented in:
errors property

Validation errors. Call the validate() method to validate survey element data.

SurveyError[] writable
Implemented in:
See also:
expand method

Expands the survey element.

() => void
Implemented in:
See also:
state * , toggleState * , collapse * , isCollapsed * , isExpanded
focus method

Moves focus to the input field of this question.

(onError?: boolean, scrollIfVisible?: boolean) => void
onError, type: boolean ,

Pass true if you want to focus an input field with the first validation error. Default value: false (focuses the first input field). Applies to question types with multiple input fields.

scrollIfVisible, type: boolean
Implemented in:
fromJSON method

Assigns a new configuration to the current SurveyJS object. This configuration is taken from a passed JSON object.

The JSON object should contain only serializable properties of this SurveyJS object. Event handlers and properties that do not belong to the SurveyJS object are ignored.

(json: any, options?: ILoadFromJSONOptions) => void
json, type: any ,

A JSON object with properties that you want to apply to the current SurveyJS object.

options, type: ILoadFromJSONOptions ,

An object with configuration options.

Implemented in:
See also:

Returns a display text that corresponds to the question value. For example, if you call this method for a Dropdown question, it returns an item text instead of an item value.

(keysAsText: boolean, value?: any) => any
keysAsText, type: boolean ,

Applies when the question value is an object (in Matrix, Multiple Text, and similar questions). Pass true if not only values in the object should be display texts, but also keys. Default value: false.

value, type: any ,

Specify this parameter to get a display text for a specific value, not for the current question value. If the question value is an object, this parameter should be a similar object.

Implemented in:
getLocale method

Returns the survey's locale.

If a default locale is used, this method returns an empty string. To get the applied locale in this case, use the following code:

import { surveyLocalization } from 'survey-core';
const defaultLocale = surveyLocalization.defaultLocale;
() => string
Implemented in:
See also:
Localization & Globalization

Returns an array of questions nested within the current question. Use this method to obtain questions within Multiple Text, Dynamic Panel, and Matrix-like questions.

(visibleOnly?: boolean) => Question[]
visibleOnly, type: boolean ,

A Boolean value that specifies whether to include only visible nested questions.

Return Value:

An array of nested questions.

Implemented in:
getPlainData method

Returns the question value as an object in which the question name, title, value, and other parameters are stored as individual properties.

If the question can have more than one value (Matrix, Multiple Text), the object enables the isNode flag and stores information about these values in the data property. Refer to the following help topic for more information: Access Full Survey Results.

Pass an object with the includeEmpty property set to false if you want to skip empty answers.

(options?: IPlainDataOptions) => IQuestionPlainData
options, type: IPlainDataOptions
Implemented in:

Returns a JsonObjectProperty object with metadata about a serializable property that belongs to the current SurveyJS object.

If the property is not found, this method returns null.

(propName: string) => JsonObjectProperty
propName, type: string ,

A property name.

Implemented in:

Returns the value of a property with a specified name.

If the property is not found or does not have a value, this method returns either undefined, defaultValue specified in the property configuration, or a value passed as the defaultValue parameter.

(name: string, defaultValue?: any) => any
name, type: string ,

A property name.

defaultValue, type: any ,

(Optional) A value to return if the property is not found or does not have a value.

Implemented in:

Returns title location calculated based on the question's titleLocation property and the questionTitleLocation property of the question's containers (survey, page, or panel).

() => string
Implemented in:
See also:
titleLocation * , SurveyModel.questionTitleLocation
hasDescription property

Returns true if the survey element has a description.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
hasInput property

Returns false if the question has no input fields (HTML, Image, and similar question types).

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
hasSingleInput property

Returns false if the question has no input fields (HTML, Image) or has multiple input fields (Matrix, Multiple Text).

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
hasTitle property

Returns false if the titleLocation property is set to "hidden" or if the question cannot have a title (for example, an HTML question).

If the title property is undefined or set to an empty string, the hasTitle property returns true, because the question uses its name as a title in this case.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
title * , titleLocation

Specifies whether to hide the question if no choice items are visible.

This property is useful if you show or hide choice items at runtime based on a condition.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
hideNumber property

Hides the question number from the title and excludes the question from numbering.

If you want to disable question numbering in the entire survey, set SurveyModel's showQuestionNumbers property to false.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
id property

A value to assign to the id attribute of the rendered HTML element. A default id is generated automatically.

string writable
Implemented in:
indent property

Increases or decreases an indent of survey element content from the left edge. Accepts positive integer values and 0. Does not apply in the Default V2 theme.

number writable
Implemented in:
See also:
inSurvey property

Returns true if the object is included in a survey.

This property may return false, for example, when you create a survey model dynamically.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
isAllowTitleLeft property

Returns true if the question can display its title to the left of the input field.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
titleLocation * , getTitleLocation * , hasTitle

Returns true if a question answer matches the correctAnswer property value.

View Demo

() => boolean
Implemented in:
See also:
correctAnswer * , SurveyModel.getQuizQuestions
isCollapsed property

Returns true if the survey element is collapsed.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
state * , toggleState * , collapse * , expand * , isExpanded

Use this method to find out if the current object is of a given typeName or inherited from it.

(typeName: string) => boolean
typeName, type: string ,

One of the values listed in the getType() description.

Return Value:

true if the current object is of a given typeName or inherited from it.

Implemented in:
See also:
isDesignMode property

Returns true if the survey is being designed in Survey Creator.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
isEmpty method

Returns true if the question value is an empty string, array, or object or if it equals undefined or null.

() => boolean
Implemented in:
isExpanded property

Returns true if the survey element is expanded.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
state * , toggleState * , collapse * , expand * , isCollapsed

Returns true if a passed choice item is selected.

To obtain a choice item to check, use the noneItem or otherItem property or the choices array.

(item: ItemValue) => boolean
item, type: ItemValue ,

A choice item.

Implemented in:
See also:
noneItem * , otherItem * , choices

Returns true if the object configuration is being loaded from JSON.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
isOtherSelected property

Returns true if the "Other" choice item is selected.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
isPage property

Returns true if the survey element is a page.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
isPanel property

Returns true if the survey element is a panel.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
isParentVisible property

Returns true if a parent element (page or panel) is visible.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
isQuestion property

Returns true if the survey element is a question.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
isReadOnly property

Returns true if the survey element or its parent element is read-only.

If you want to switch a survey element to the read-only state based on a condition, specify the enableIf property. Refer to the following help topic for information: Conditional Visibility.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
isRequired property

Makes the question required. If a respondent skips a required question, the survey displays a validation error.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
requiredIf * , Data Validation
isSurvey property

Returns true if the element is a survey.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
isValueEmpty method

Returns true if a passed value is an empty string, array, or object or if it equals to undefined or null.

(value: any, trimString?: boolean) => boolean
value, type: any ,

A value to be checked.

trimString, type: boolean ,

(Optional) When this parameter is true, the method ignores whitespace characters at the beginning and end of a string value. Pass false to disable this functionality.

Implemented in:
isVisible property

Returns true if the question is visible or the survey is currently in design mode.

If you want to display or hide a question based on a condition, specify the visibleIf property. Refer to the following help topic for information: Conditional Visibility.

boolean readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
visibleIf * , visible * , isParentVisible
itemComponent property

The name of a component used to render items.

View Dropdown Demo

View Ranking Demo

string writable
Implemented in:

Specifies whether to keep values that cannot be assigned to this question, for example, choices unlisted in the choices array.

This property cannot be specified in the survey JSON schema. Use dot notation to specify it.

boolean writable
Implemented in:
See also:
maxWidth property

Gets or sets maximum survey element width in CSS values.

Default value: "100%" (taken from settings.maxWidth)

string writable
Implemented in:
See also:
minWidth * , renderWidth * , width
minWidth property

Gets or sets minimum survey element width in CSS values.

Default value: "300px" (taken from settings.minWidth)

string writable
Implemented in:
See also:
maxWidth * , renderWidth * , width
name property

A survey element identifier.

Question names must be unique.

string writable
Implemented in:
no property

A question number or letter (depends on the questionStartIndex property of the question container (panel, page, or survey)).

When the question number, title, or the entire question is invisible, this property returns an empty string.

string readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
SurveyModel.questionStartIndex * , hideNumber * , titleLocation * , visibleIf
noneItem property

Returns the "None" choice item. Use this property to change the item's value or text.

ItemValue readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
noneText property

Gets or sets a caption for the "None" choice item.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:

An event that is raised when an ItemValue property is changed.


  • sender: this
    A SurveyJS object whose property contains an array of ItemValue objects.
  • options.obj: ItemValue
    An ItemValue object.
  • options.propertyName: string
    The name of the property to which an array of ItemValue objects is assigned (for example, "choices" or "rows").
  • "text" | "value"
    The name of the changed property.
  • options.newValue: any
    A new value for the property.
Event<(sender: Base, options: any) => any, Base, any>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised when a property of this SurveyJS object has changed.


  • sender: this
    A SurveyJS object whose property has changed.
  • string
    The name of the changed property.
  • options.newValue: any
    A new value for the property.
  • options.oldValue: any
    An old value of the property. If the property is an array, oldValue contains the same array as newValue does.

If you need to add and remove property change event handlers dynamically, use the registerPropertyChangedHandlers and unregisterPropertyChangedHandlers methods instead.

EventBase<Base, any>
Implemented in:

An event that is raised when the question's ready state has changed (expressions are evaluated, choices are loaded from a web resource specified by the choicesByUrl property, etc.).


  • sender: SurveyModel
    A survey instance that contains the question whose ready state has changed.
  • options.isReady: boolean
    Indicates whether the question is ready.
  • options.oldIsReady: boolean
    Indicates the previous ready state.
EventBase<Question, any>
Implemented in:
otherErrorText property

Gets or sets an error message displayed when users select the "Other" choice item but leave the comment area empty.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
otherItem property

Returns the "Other" choice item. Use this property to change the item's value or text.

ItemValue readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
otherPlaceholder property

A placeholder for the comment area. Applies when the showOtherItem or showCommentArea property is true.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
showOtherItem * , showCommentArea
otherText property

Gets or sets a caption for the "Other" choice item.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
page property

Returns a page to which the question belongs and allows you to move this question to a different page.

IPage writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
parent property

Returns a survey element (panel or page) that contains the question and allows you to move this question to a different survey element.

IPanel writable
Implemented in:
parentQuestion property

A Dynamic Panel, Dynamic Matrix, or Dropdown Matrix that includes the current question.

This property is null for standalone questions.

E readonly
Implemented in:
placeholder property

A placeholder for the input field.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:

The number of quiz questions. A question counts if it is visible, has an input field, and specifies correctAnswer.

number readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
Create a Quiz , correctAnswer * , SurveyModel.getQuizQuestions
readOnly property

Makes the survey element read-only.

If you want to switch a survey element to the read-only state based on a condition, specify the enableIf property. Refer to the following help topic for information: Conditional Visibility.

boolean writable
Implemented in:
See also:
refuseItem property

Returns the "Refuse to answer" choice item. Use this property to change the item's value or text.

ItemValue readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
refuseText property

Gets or sets a caption for the "Refuse to answer" choice item.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:

Registers a single value change handler for one or multiple properties.

The registerPropertyChangedHandlers and unregisterPropertyChangedHandlers methods allow you to manage property change event handlers dynamically. If you only need to attach an event handler without removing it afterwards, you can use the onPropertyChanged event instead.

(propertyNames: string[], handler: any, key?: string) => void
propertyNames, type: string[] ,

An array of one or multiple property names.

handler, type: any ,

A function to call when one of the listed properties change. Accepts a new property value as an argument.

key, type: string ,

(Optional) A key that identifies the current registration. If a function for one of the properties is already registered with the same key, the function will be overwritten. You can also use the key to subsequently unregister handlers.

Implemented in:
See also:
renderWidth property

Returns a calculated width of the rendered survey element in CSS values.

string writable
Implemented in:
See also:
width * , minWidth * , maxWidth

Specifies a custom error message for a required form field.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
requiredIf property

A Boolean expression. If it evaluates to true, this question becomes required.

A survey parses and runs all expressions on startup. If any values used in the expression change, the survey re-evaluates it.

Refer to the following help topic for more information: Conditional Visibility.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
requiredText property

Returns a character or text string that indicates a required question.

string readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
SurveyModel.requiredText * , isRequired
resetValueIf property

A Boolean expression. If it evaluates to true, the question value is reset to default.

A survey parses and runs all expressions on startup. If any values used in the expression change, the survey re-evaluates it.

View Demo

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
rightIndent property

Increases or decreases an indent of survey element content from the right edge. Accepts positive integer values and 0. Does not apply in the Default V2 theme.

number writable
Implemented in:
See also:
searchEnabled property

Specifies whether users can enter a value into the input field to filter the drop-down list.

View Demo

boolean readonly

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
See also:
searchMode * , SurveyModel.onChoicesSearch
searchMode property

Specifies a comparison operation used to filter the drop-down list. Applies only if searchEnabled is true.

Possible values:

  • "contains" (default)
  • "startsWith"
"contains" | "startsWith" readonly

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
contains , startsWith
Implemented in:
See also:

Displays the "Select All", "None", and "Other" choices on individual rows.

boolean readonly

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
showNoneItem * , showOtherItem * , settings.specialChoicesOrder

Assigns a new value to a specified property.

(name: string, val: any) => void
name, type: string ,

A property name.

val, type: any ,

A new value for the property.

Implemented in:

An expression used to calculate the question value.

You can use setValueExpression as a standalone property or in conjunction with the setValueIf expression, in which case the calculated question value applies only when setValueIf evaluates to true.

View Demo

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
defaultValueExpression * , resetValueIf
setValueIf property

A Boolean expression. If it evaluates to true, the question value is set to a value calculated using the setValueExpression.

A survey parses and runs all expressions on startup. If any values used in the expression change, the survey re-evaluates it.

View Demo

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
showCommentArea property

Specifies whether to display a comment area. Incompatible with the showOtherItem property.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
comment * , commentText * , showOtherItem
showDontKnowItem property

Specifies whether to display the "Don't know" choice item.

When users select the "Don't know" item in multi-select questions, all other items become unselected.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
dontKnowItem * , dontKnowItemText * , settings.dontKnowItemValue , settings.specialChoicesOrder
showNoneItem property

Specifies whether to display the "None" choice item.

When users select the "None" item in multi-select questions, all other items become unselected.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
noneItem * , noneText * , settings.noneItemValue , settings.specialChoicesOrder
showOtherItem property

Specifies whether to display the "Other" choice item. Incompatible with the showCommentArea property.

boolean writable
Implemented in:
See also:
otherText * , otherItem * , otherErrorText * , showCommentArea * , settings.specialChoicesOrder
showRefuseItem property

Specifies whether to display the "Refuse to answer" choice item.

When users select the "Refuse to answer" item in multi-select questions, all other items become unselected.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
refuseItem * , refuseItemText * , settings.refuseItemValue , settings.specialChoicesOrder
startWithNewLine property

Disable this property if you want to render the current question on the same line or row with the previous question or panel.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
state property

Gets and sets the survey element's expand state.

Possible values:

  • "default" (default) - The survey element is displayed in full and cannot be collapsed in the UI.
  • "expanded" - The survey element is displayed in full and can be collapsed in the UI.
  • "collapsed" - The survey element displays only title and description and can be expanded in the UI.
string writable
Implemented in:
See also:
toggleState * , collapse * , expand * , isCollapsed * , isExpanded
survey property

Returns the survey object.

ISurvey readonly
Implemented in:
textWrapEnabled property

Specifies whether to wrap long texts in choice options onto a new line.

Default value: true

Disable this property if you want the texts to be truncated with ellipsis.

boolean readonly

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
title property

A title for the survey element. If title is undefined, the name property value is displayed instead.

Empty pages and panels do not display their titles or names.

string writable
Implemented in:
See also:
Configure Question Titles
titleLocation property

Sets question title location relative to the input field. Overrides the questionTitleLocation property specified for the question's container (survey, page, or panel).

Possible values:

  • "default" (default) - Inherits the setting from the questionTitleLocation property specified for the question's container.
  • "top" - Displays the title above the input field.
  • "bottom" - Displays the title below the input field.
  • "left" - Displays the title to the left of the input field.
  • "hidden" - Hides the question title.

Certain question types (Matrix, Multiple Text) do not support the "left" value. For them, the "top" value is used.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Accepted values:
default , top , bottom , left , hidden
Implemented in:
See also:
SurveyModel.questionTitleLocation * , getTitleLocation * , isAllowTitleLeft
toggleState method

Toggles the survey element's state between collapsed and expanded.

() => boolean
Implemented in:
See also:
state * , collapse * , expand * , isCollapsed * , isExpanded
toJSON method

Returns a JSON object that corresponds to the current SurveyJS object.

(options?: ISaveToJSONOptions) => any
options, type: ISaveToJSONOptions
Implemented in:
See also:

Unregisters value change event handlers for the specified properties.

(propertyNames: string[], key?: string) => void
propertyNames, type: string[] ,

An array of one or multiple property names.

key, type: string ,

(Optional) A key of the registration that you want to cancel.

Implemented in:
See also:

Specifies whether to use display names for question values in placeholders.

Default value: true

This property applies to questions whose values are defined as objects with the value and text properties (for example, choice items in Radiogroup, Checkbox, and Dropdown questions).

You can use question values as placeholders in the following places:

  • Survey element titles and descriptions
  • The html property of the HTML question

To use a question value as a placeholder, specify the question name in curly brackets: {questionName}. Refer to the following help topic for more information: Dynamic Texts - Question Values.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
validate method

Validates this question and returns false if the validation fails.

(fireCallback?: boolean, rec?: any) => boolean
fireCallback, type: boolean ,

(Optional) Pass false if you do not want to show validation errors in the UI.

rec, type: any
Implemented in:
See also:
Data Validation
validators property

Question validators.

Data Validation

SurveyValidator[] writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
value property

Gets or sets the question value.

The following table illustrates how the value type depends on the question type:

Question type Value type(s)
Checkboxes Array<string | number>
Dropdown string | number
Dynamic Matrix Array<object>
Dynamic Panel Array<object>
Expression string | number | boolean
File Upload File | Array<File>
HTML (no value)
Image (no value)
Image Picker Array<string | number>
Long Text string
Multi-Select Dropdown object
Multi-Select Matrix object
Multiple Textboxes Array<string>
Panel (no value)
Radio Button Group string | number
Ranking Array<string | number>
Rating Scale number | string
Signature string (base64-encoded image)
Single-Line Input string | number | Date
Single-Select Matrix object
Yes/No (Boolean) boolean | string
any writable
Implemented in:
valueName property

Specifies an object property that should store the question value.

Refer to the Merge Question Values help topic for more information.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
visible property

Gets or sets question visibility.

If you want to display or hide a question based on a condition, specify the visibleIf property. Refer to the following help topic for information: Conditional Visibility.

boolean writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Default value:
Implemented in:
See also:
isVisible * , visibleIf
visibleChoices property

An array of visible choice items. Includes the "Select All", "Other", and "None" choice items if they are visible. Items are sorted according to the choicesOrder value.

ItemValue[] readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
showNoneItem * , showOtherItem * , choicesOrder * , choices * , enabledChoices
visibleIf property

A Boolean expression. If it evaluates to false, this question becomes hidden.

A survey parses and runs all expressions on startup. If any values used in the expression change, the survey re-evaluates it.

Refer to the following help topic for more information: Conditional Visibility.

string writable

This property is stored in the survey JSON definition and can be edited in the Survey Creator.

Implemented in:
See also:
visible * , isVisible
visibleIndex property

Returns the visible index of the question in the survey. It can be from 0 to all visible questions count - 1 The visibleIndex is -1 if the title is 'hidden' or hideNumber is true

number readonly
Implemented in:
See also:
titleLocation * , hideNumber
width property

Sets survey element width in CSS values.

Default value: ""

string writable
Implemented in:
See also:
minWidth * , maxWidth

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